The right side
Which side of the hall are you supposed to walk on in the Middle School Hallway?
Stop talking
What should you do if Mrs. Buff is talking to the class?
Single File
What type of line does Mrs. McBryar favor for Middle School geniuses?
Be ready, be respectful, be responsible
What is the Jacket Way?
during Class time
When should you do classwork?
Single-File line
What kind of line should MS geniuses walk on when going to the cafeteria, the library, the auditorium or to 6th period?
Raise your hand
WIN, and first and last ten minutes of class
When will Mrs. McBryar absolutely, positively not let you go to the restroom at LVMHS?
by not talking whenever the teacher is showing; by completing assignments; by treating others with kindness
How do students show respect in the classroom?
What is it called when you do not finish classwork?
One person in front of the other - no side by sides
What exactly is a "single file line"?
You might miss instructions
Why can I not talk to my neighbor when instructions or teaching is in progress?
What happens if you have your phone out and we see it?
Because I can only hear one person at a time
Why should you wait to be called on before speaking in class?
How many points will be deducted per day for late work?
How many students at a time should be in the restroom?
When Donny Osmond is at the door
When is it ok to interrupt Mrs. Buff while she is teaching?
No slides, no house shoes, cover your top and bottom
What is the dress code?
Who sang R-E-S-P-E-C-T?
After 5 days, what is the highest grade you can get on late work?
Someone might fall or get knocked over
Why is running and pushing not allowed in the hallway?
When the noise hits the level of a hip hop band playing in a closet
When will Mrs. Buff strongly insist/demand that you quit talking altogether?
single file, move quickly out the front door and no talking
Find out what it means to me
What are the next words of the song after R-E-S-P-E-C-T?
Most likely that zero will make you fail the class.
What will a zero on a test do to your grade?