If it takes 5 people to build a wall in 10 hours how long will it take 2 people to build the wall?
None, the wall is already built
If you are smart, spell it.
In the Equation, E=mc^2, What is E?
What doesn't belong on pizza
How many A's are in the title
0, the words "the title" has no A's
If a woman falls off a 100 foot ladder and doesn't die, How come?
She fell off a step near the bottom
What does this mean in Morse
.. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .--
I don't know
What hit movie is about an dinosaurs on an island
Dinosaur Island (actually a movie)
There's an axolotl swimming in your pool what is his name?
You got the question right?
If a one story house has blue walls, clue curtains, blue windows, and a blue door, what are the color of the stairs?
red/grey/gray (brick/stone/concrete walkway up to the house)
What is the meaning of life?
being not dead
Who is the 23rd president?
Rómulo Díaz de la Vega is the 23rd president of Mexico.
True or False?
The Answer is False
None of the above because this creates a paradox.
True or False? (choose one)
Its 40 fore heads
What is this?
a question mark
What might someone say when answering a question to a game show like this? (this is a Jeopardy Gameshow)
The answer
Where do I live that is similar to where Micheal Jackson or Genghis Khan onced lived.
On Earth
What is Obama's Last Name
II (full name is Barack Hussein Obama II)
If you are driving down the road and a baby and an old lady pop up, what do you hit?
the brakes
If there are 5 cookies and you take away 3 how many do you have now?
More than 75% of the earth's surface is covered in this
What is love?
baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
How much was $1.00 USD worth in 1976