Located at 800 Sumter St.
What is the School of Journalism & Mass Communication.
USC was founded in this year
What is 1801
Classification of Briyonni
What is Junior
Saturday 4:00pm November 23rd
What is the USC V Wofford Game
This is what GLD stands for
What is Graduation with Leadership Distinction
The Dean of Student Services
Who is Dr. Rushondra James
The area what houses the original campus
What is the Horseshoe
Number of Animals Shannon Owns
What is seven -- Two cats, two dogs, two snakes, one bearded dragon
The Gamecock Anthem at games
What is Sandstorm
Place to get help for writing a paper
What is the Writing Center or Peer Communication Lab
Everyone must have ____ credits to graduate
What is 120
Minimum GPA to stay off academic probation
What is 2.0
___ ____ and bacon mac and cheese
What is Smoked Gouda
Score: 31-6
What is the USC v Kentucky
Visit this office if considering which major to choose or wanting to switch to a different one
What is the University Advising Center or Major Change Advising
Director of School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Who is Dr. Damion Waymer
Building located mostly underground
What is Thomas Cooper Library
Bri's major
What is Information Science
Not Cocky
Who is Sir Spur
Have your resume reviewed here; also do interview prep
What is the Career Center?
Tom Reichert
Who is the Dean of SJMC
First freestanding library in the nation
What is The South Caroliniana Library
Might give you the Starbucks espresso shot
Who is Bri
Rocket Sanders
Who is Raheim Sanders
Place to go to get a professional headshot
What is the Career Center