Mission Giving
In 21st Century
UMW History
Indiana Conference
You'll see this phrase on UMW materials because is describes our motivation and our focus for giving.
What is "FAITH, HOPE and LOVE in action"?
This lady is responsible for all Southeast District UMW financial reporting. She's your current Treasurer.
Who is Susie Hooten?
Maternal and child health, criminalization of communities of color, economic inequality, climate justice 
What are the 4 issue priorities for 2016-2020?
In 1869, this historic U.S. city was the birthplace of the organization that would one day become UMW.
What is BOSTON, MA?
This event was held February 2018, at Drury Plaza in Indianapolis 
What is the UMW SPIRITUAL GROWTH RETREAT? How many of us went?
Individuals and units use this basic planning method to project their mission support for the coming year.
What is a PLEDGE TO MISSION? Each fall, your unit should plan your estimate of giving for the coming year. The District and Conference treasurers use this information to estimate their giving to the national organization.
This is the official magazine for "Women in Mission". Every unit should have at least one subscription to it.
What is RESPONSE MAGAZINE? (The official title does use a lower case R.) These articles are a good resource for current events in mission.
This publication is the "Mission Magazine of the United Methodist Church". UMW members are encouraged to read it on a regualr basis.
What is NEW WORLD OUTLOOK MAGAZINE? Check with your church office. A copy may already be coming to your church.
She was the very first missionary commissioned by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.
Who was ISABELLA THORBURN? In 1869, she set off for India, with financial backing from women who pooled their money to make it happen.
She is the current President for your district
Who is Mitzi Durham?
Individual members often set aside small amounts of money throughout the year each time they encounter a special joy in their life.
What is WORLD THANK OFFERING? Traditionally, these extra gifts are collected in November by the local units.
This was the location of the first Assembly in 1942.
What is Columbus, Ohio?
This Oregon native is a renowned photo-journalist. You may have seen his recent work on Sudan and Haiti in response magazine. He has a book on the 2013 reading list, too.
Who is PAUL JEFFREY? The 2013 book is called, "Rubble Nation" and is about the recovery in Haiti. It is a Bonus book for Education for Mission.
In 2012, the General Conference of the United Methodist Church approved an action by a vote of 889 to 20 that was fully supported by the General Board of Global Ministries and Women's Divison.
How did United Methodist Women become a stand-alone agency of our church; no longer a sub-agency of the General Board of Global Ministries?
This is the theme on the buttons for United Methodist Women of Indiana for Assembly 
What is We’re IN!
The donor sends this attractive card to their honoree after making a gift of $5 or more to UMW.
What is a GIFT TO MISSION CARD? But Gift in Memory cards are free. You make your donation to your local treasurer as you send your card to honor someone who has passed.
This lady is the current General Secretary and CEO of United Methodist Women.
Who is HARRIETT JANE OLSON? She's no longer a deputy secretary. 

DAILY DOUBLE This will ensure a regular source of support for the core expenses of being in mission.

What is The Legacy Fund?
This Greenwich Village landmark is operated by United Methodist Women-national office-as a non-profit meeting and housing facility for visitors to NYC.
What is the ALMA MATHEWS HOUSE? It begin in the late 1800's as a settlement home for newly arrived immigrants to the USA.
She's District "book lady" and the first person to call if you have a question about the UMW Reading Program.
Who is Paula Moore, Southeast District SPR?
This form of giving allows the donor to specify where the funds should go--to which UMW program or project. Our offerings for Call to Prayer and Self Denial would be an example of this.
The national UMW Board of Directors is headed by this woman, the Board President.
Who is Shannon Priddy? She was elected to this post in the fall of 2016. She resides in Indianapolis.
Some local units may have a man's name listed on their membership roster. Being part of UMW is in his job description.

 In 1875, she was instrumental in forming the Woman’s Missionary Association of the United Brethren Church. After spending one night praying, she was convinced that the women of the church should be organized for special mission work. Sierra Leone, in Africa, was the first country to which missionaries were sent.

Who is Lizzie Hoffman?
This mission education event will be in July at DePauw University 
What is Mission u?