Who Is-sa Alyssa?
The Brenputo Relationship
The Big Day

This surname of the most famous Italian actress of all time is also Alyssa's middle name.

What is Loren?


This is my moniker in the DJ booth, and also a playable character in Super Smash Bros.

What is Ganon?


His namesake being a 1939 novel by James Joyce, this is the name of our FOH (Feline of Honor).

What is Finnegan?


If you don't count our lunch at the Sit N Chat Diner (and I don't) this pint-sized activity was our first date. The loser was supposed to buy ice cream, and I forgot my wallet.

What is miniature golf?


This superhero is married to Mary Jane Watson, and, given her arachnophobia, it's strange that he's also Alyssa's favorite.

Who is Spider-Man?


This is my achromatic middle name (well, depending on which of my identity documents you consult).

What is Gray?


Much to my chagrin, this is the nickname Alyssa and I call one another.

What is "Bubby"?


This bioluminscent bug is the State Insect of Pennsylvania. It's also the name of the first music festival Alyssa and I attended together.

What is a firefly?


This date saw the release of The Beatles' debut album in 1963, the conclusion of the Mueller investigation in 2019, and soon, it'll see our wedding, in 2025.

What is March 22nd?


The 2-toed species of these can live up to 20 years. [YAWN] It's also Alyssa's favorite animal!

What are sloths?


The stock price of this fast casual restaurant is up well over 5000% since its IPO in 2006. Sadly, I'm just a frequent customer, and not an investor.

What is Chipotle?


If you're buying us a gift, you've probably considered the brand Ravensburger. Their largest one of these has over 40,000 pieces!

What are jigsaw puzzles?


Unfortunately for me, Alyssa still had a boyfriend the first time we met in this city, the name of which The Boss once rhymed with "fix your hair up pretty."

What is Atlantic City?


This rhyming, eponymous phrase will serve as the #hashtag for our wedding. Here's hoping we go viral.

What is #BrennerTogether?


The name of this physical and spiritual training discipline is from the Sanskrit for "union" - Alyssa's a certified instructor!

What is Yoga?


I make a good game show host because I am an avid cruciverbalist, which is the 14-letter-word for people with this nerdy hobby.

What is solving crossword puzzles?


Alyssa and I both attended different colleges in this same, biblically-named town, but we didn't meet until after graduation.

What is Bethlehem, PA?


Our favorite country that we've visited (so far!) - our trip there included a hike at Vatnajökull Glacier and a stay at the Björk guesthouse.

What is Iceland?

This subsidiary of Sir Richard Branson's company acquired their first hotel in 2011, but the NYC location where our wedding will be held didn't open until 2016.

What is Virgin Hotels?


Brad Bird was totally super as he wrote, directed, and & won an Oscar for this 2004 Pixar film that's also Alyssa's favorite movie.

What is The Incredibles?


A post WW2 shortage of cocoa led to the invention a product called Giandujot, a precursor to this spread now manufactured by my current employer.

What is Nutella?


Privacy is important! Give any of our alias names - both first and last are required.

Who are Melissa Andrews, Richard Brantis, Michael Monroe, Daniel Steele, Ronald Eaves, Elliot Seidell, or Michael Morbius?


At the time of our marriage, we'll have been dating for over this many years - it's the number of muses in Greek mythology, the atomic number of floruine, and X.

What is nine?


Our cocktail hour will feature one of these: a 7-letter-word for a person who plays the kind of instrument I used in my 4th grade talent show performance. Mine wasn't a Steinway, though.

What is a pianist?
