Earth is tilted toward the sun and there are more hours of daylight. What season is it?
My rotation causes this cycle.
Day/Night cycle
TRUE OR FALSE: The Earth has a strong gravitational pull, but the Moon has no gravity.
FALSE. Though it has less than Earth, the moon does in fact have gravity.
The Sun APPEARS to rise in the ___ and set in the ___.
east, west
When we see the word "revolve" on a question about Earth, we write THIS number or THIS word above it.
365 or Orbit/Path
Winter is colder because...
Earth is tilted away from the Sun.
I rotate on my axis once every ...
24 hours
I am a sphere of ___ with scars on my surface called ___.
rock, craters
The moon appears at night because...
it is reflecting light from the Sun.
Name 3 planets made of gasses.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
I am the source of ___ & ___ energy on Earth. (scientific terms)
light & thermal
It takes me this amount of time to revolve around the Sun?
365 days
It takes ___ days to see ALL of the phases of the moon.
28 or 29 DAYS
acceptable: a month
The shape of the moon seems to change because...
the moon revolves around the Earth, changing how much light is reflected or absorbed.
A ring of rocks in orbit between the inner rocky planets, and the outer gaseous planets.
Asteroid Belt
Teacher Diagram: Name the seasons in order based upon the location of the star, which is North America.
Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
My TILT in orbit around the Sun causes...
I am a natural ____ of the Earth.
Waxing means the light is _______________ and waning means the light is ___________________.
Waxing means the light is increasing and waning means the light is decreasing.
Earth is divided into 2 halves by an imaginary line we call the Equator. The United States is in ____ ____ of the globe.
Northern Hemisphere
What are shadows like during a sunrise?
Shadows are long and point WEST
What force is most responsible for my orbit around the sun?
Gravitation Force (Pull)
During which lunar phase is the moon NOT visible on Earth?
EXPLAIN: Why do Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, and moons revolve around planets?
The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull. Objects with lesser mass will obit object with greater mass and gravity.
Math: According to our notes, Earth is _?_ times larger than the moon. Multiply that number by the length of time it takes for Earth to revolve.
4 times larger, 365 Days
4 X 365 = 1,460