Audio equipment is found in this room
Podcast studio OR recording studio
Who can help you with research?
YA books?
Popular reading on the main floor OR catalog
Online chat feature provided by the library
How do you checkout laptops?
main floor kiosk OR request form for long-term loan
Who can assist you with interview prep?
Career Center (lvl 5)
Main floor OR catalog/checkout desk
Comes from the research question, used in a catalog or database
All floors!
Who provides tutoring or writing help?
Student Success Center (SSC) (lvl MZ)
Library subject guides OR research guides?
Research Help [tab]
What does peer-reviewed mean?
A designation applied to academic articles when the content has been verified before publication
Drop in office on the main floor
Who helps with noise complaints or security concerns?
Front desk OR information desk
Library events?
Library website
Examples of Boolean terms