What county was Louis Thomas born in?
Doll Baby
Carolyn Bobbitt
(Janie Thomas's daughter)
What was Janie's husband name?
Leroy Burnette, Sr.
How many sons did Grandparents James and Sudie have?
When was Louis born?
May 26, 1925
What type and brand of tobacco product did Aunt Sal use?
Red Square Snuff
James Thomas
(Louis Thomas's son)
How many sons did Louis have?
What is Janie Burnette's oldest granddaughter's names?
Salina Richardson
What was Aunt Sal's famous breakfast item?
Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits
Who was Aunt Mary married to?
David Turnage
Larry Thomas
(Francis (Sal) Perry's Son)
Who is Aunt Sal's family had the same name as a holiday?
Valentine White (son-in-law)
How many sets of Twins does Uncle Louis have and what are their names?
1 set
Marvin and Melvin
What was Louis occupation?
Sanitation worker for the City of Rocky Mount
What was Aunt Sal's saying for unwanted guest?
I will CALL 9-1-1.
Elaine Williams (Janie's Daughter)
How many grandchildren does Louis have?
How many children did Aunt Mary Turnage have?
What was the first pet purchase Janie made for her son?
A pony
Excluding homemaker and farm work, what company did Janie work for?
The Tobacco Factory
Louis Thomas
Who was known to drive an Orange Nova?
Lee Thomas
How many children did Aunt Bessie Dozier have?
What were Grandma Sudie parents name?
Jas and Jane