what did Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson was the authorship of the Declaration of Independence
what was the date when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.
June 11, 1776
where did Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence.
in a philadelphia board house
how many books did he sell to the library of Congress.
what was the name of the slave he had an affair with after his wife died.
sally Hemings
when did thomas jefferson leave for france
where did Thomas Jefferson live after the war with Britain ended.
some of Thomas Jefferson's friends
James Madison, Abigail Adams, George Wythe, and Meriwether Lewis.
which president was Thomas jefferson
the third
When did Thomas Jefferson serve as president
which country did Thomas Jefferson go to be the American minister for
what was his favorite food
mac n cheese
what did Thomas Jefferson do that doubled the size of the United states
the Louisiana purchase.
what year did Thomas Jefferson found the University of college.
How many years did Thomas Jefferson stay in Paris
5 years.
what was some useful agricultural tools he had made.
Iron plows designed to plow on hills.
why did Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence
to express the unity of Americans—what he called an "expression of the american mind"—against the tyranny of Britain
The Virginia legislature appointed him a delegate to the Second Continental Congress in the spring of
where did Thomas go for college
College of William & Mary in Williamsburg.
what day did he die
July fourth