the name of moms 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th dog
what is buffy
the game that was traded out on the 64 for super smash bros
what is mario kart
this is emilys alter ego scream she would do when she got mad at brendan and ryan
what is a pyscho scream
this is what brendan started doing with the villagers in the survival of the fittest world
what is make them slaves
this is the place megan found her hobbit holes
where is the red wood forest
dads favorite Flo-rida song
what is low
the jobs that haley has worked with the sibs at
what is movie theater and frys
The trophy emily won back to back in jr high for softball
what is most improved
what brendan did to us during church when we were little
what is scratch us with his nails
traumatic thing that happened to megan in the hotel room on the way to st. louis
what is an enema
dads look-a-like celeb that he got told he looked like at a waffle house and casino
who is brad pitt
This is the game that Ryan recorded Brendan raging to over his k/d
what is modern warfare 3?
what emily tried to convince megan was growing up
what is adopted
this was the trip that brendan farted on haleys head
what is grandpas 70th b-day
who clogged all 3 toilets when mom came home from a 12 hour shift
who is megan
one of dads favorite songs to play while driving to san diego
what is hotel california
this is what haley does that reminds us she is in our groupchats
what is a random haha
This game caused Emily to slam Megan into the closet door breaking the door handle.
what is 52 card pick up
the gift that brendan gave ryan years ago for christmas when he had no money
what is a paper airplane
the wedding that dad got mad at haley for ordering too much food at jack in the box.
who is Kaeli and Dan
the restaurant dad and his friends dined and dashed at
what is dennys
this is the show that along with dad haley also shares a interest with
what is las vegas and seinfeld
this is where we were when a lady refused to give emily iced tea
where is china town
the amount of time brendan lasted after eating his biggie burger challenge
what is about 15 min
two of aunt pats husbands names
who are bernie, mel, pete