What does mommy always say when someone is leaving the house?
God goes with you
How many shoes does Natz currently own?
What is the name of the street Lorea lives on?
What Month were Trina and Ven born in?
What Month were Maya and Jordyn born in?
What is mommy's favorite flavor of ice cream at devon house?
Other than Ms. Bedward Name 2 other persons at physiotherapy that Natz talks about.
Ms. Hill, Chubby, Mr. Burch, Ms. Wedderburn and the other lady
What did Lorea name her first car?
What did Venekia name her first car?
What is the name of Maya's best friend?
What month was originally on Mommy's Birth certificate?
Name two of Natz favorite TV shows.
Love and Hip Hop
Real housewives
What was the first country Lorea flew to?
What day of the week was both Trina and Venekia born on?
Sing one of Jordyn's Favorite song
Hop little bunny hop hop hop
Open shut, open shut
The Wheels on the bus
Which talk show host does mommy recently enjoy watching?
Jennifer Hudson
What year did Natz graduate from Mt. Alvernia?
What is Lorea's height?
5ft 10inches
Where, what year and position did Venekia start working?
KPMG, 2019, Intern
Fill in the blank. What does maya want to do?
I want to ........... something?
Watch, cut, write
Explain "what number the man under"?
The number that was played at that day and time of the previous pot.
What was the make and model of Natz first car?
Toyota, Starlet
What month and year did Trina announce she was pregnant?
September, 2020
Name 4 out of the 8 words Jordyn have said so far?
Baby, Mama, Dada, Car, Ball, Hi, Go, No