Year THON started
What is 1973?
Date Behrend was founded
What is October 30,1948?
States that Hunter and Jon are from
What are Pennsylvania & Massachusetts
National Concert Performer for THON
Who is the Fray?
Iconic Penn State saying
Family that founded the Four Diamonds Foundation
Who are the Millard family?
Person who runs the Behrend SLI Instagram account
Who is Ariana Quam?
THON Eboard positions that Hunter & Jon have had before this school year
What is Hunter communications chair & Operations Director and Jon fundraising chair 2 times?
Amount of money Behrend and Penn State raised this year
What is $74,155.06 for Behrend and $17,737,040.93 for Penn State?
Number of Penn State campuses
What are 24 campuses?
Year THON moved to the BJC
What is 2007?
Number of student organizations at Behrend
What is 145 student organizations?
The lore behind Hunter's nickname (OHK)
What is OHK stands for Other Hunter K. because of THON alumni Hunter Kellar
Finish the lyrics..
Pump it up, empower // Are you with me? Get louder
Four Diamonds, everyday // All together – FTK
Constellation, stars aligned// It’s our moment. It’s our time.
Hear their laughter, strive for more.....
What is "Remember who you’re dancing for"?
Penn State's original colors
What are black and pink?
Number of years that Penn State THON has broken the fundraising record in a row
What is 4 years in a row?
Number of residence halls on campus
What are 10 residence halls?
Sports that Jon competed in states for in high school
What are discus and javelin?
Behrend's DRCM's names
Who are Amy, Alli, Aubrey, and Kayla?
Event that had the largest recorded attendance at Beaver Stadium
What is Ohio State vs Penn State (2024)?
Year THON first raised over 1 million dollars
What is 1992?
Year the original Erie Hall got torn down
What is 2021?
Hunter's and Jon's dad's names
A song from the Wicked movie musical that was featured in one of the Pep Rally performance (Ariana has used this song in a recent TikTok)
What is Dancing Through Life?
Penn State's original mascot
Who is Old Coaly the mule?