Silk pajamas and bamboo sheets are this person's favorite.
The spot! It's where Mom knew she wanted to marry Dad. It's where we have spent countless nights under the stars. Maybe it didn't burn down!
The Pet Peeve Queen - she can't stand the sound of chewing, repeating herself, large empty spaces, people not flushing the toilet, her feet touching the wrong blanket, squeaky toys, clogged ears, tangled hair, waking up early, light switches not working, chocolate ice cream, velvet, cat slobber, dead plants, pencils with red erasers, and drinking warm water.
Last Christmas, we saw this movie in theater.
Emma's favorite hobby, which she likes to do for at least 12 hours a day.
March 17th, 2012
There's nothing that bothers this person more than not having a clear pathway to walk - the proof is in the bruises.
Some of our favorite movies, Grown-ups, 50 First Dates, Click, and Hotel Transylvania have this in common.
Adam Sandler
Wicket, Wuta, Kneesaa, and probably Yoda too all have this one favorite in common.
The first time we volunteered at a church trunk or treat, we had this display.
Hobbit Hole
One of Mom's favorite things is also something Dad can't stand when it rubs the wrong way.
A movie Mom likes to rewatch about once a year has a famous song with these lyrics:
You'll be back, soon you'll see
You'll remember you belong to me
You'll be back, time will tell
You'll remember that I served you well
Oceans rise, empires fall
We have seen each other through it all
And when push comes to shove
I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love
Mom's favorite camping meal used to be her hot dog hash - made with 3 ingredients: hot dogs, onions, and what else?
March of 2020, this musical was cancelled. The class finally got another chance to perform it 3 years later, in the 4th grade.
Go Fish!
Mom's laughing, Mom's talking, but Mom's not sharing. This person doesn't want to miss out!
Our family loves to watch the Narnia series. In The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, the White Witch gives Edmund Pevensie this enchanted food.
Turkish Delight
It's Ayah's favorite candy that she can never find. When she was little, she got one of these stuck up her nose.
Tart n Tinys
The Wreck of the Peter Iredale
Ayah can't stand the sound of chewing. It's so hard for her to be around, Mom got her these specialized earplugs to block out the sound.
Augustus Gloop, Violet Beauregarde, Mike Teavee, and Veruca Salt