Learning Outcome 3
Learning Outcome 4
Learning Outcome 5 & 6

Recommendations for leisure education from professionals in the field.

Length of the program, needs to be long enough to influence leisure behaviors

Raising Expectations, transitional care/education


Describe person first when it comes to adaptions.

They're the expert on what they can and can’t do and what sort of assistance they require

Gives an additional level of control to the participant. 

Allows the participant to have input on how they feel about adaptation, if it’s changed too much they may not want to participate, helps them to feel safe.


Differences between the conclusion and the debriefing in a leisure education session.

Debriefing: allows you to question the participants and ensure that they reflect and share about the learning activities. Allow for participants to maximize the connections that they make between the material and their lives.

Conclusion: wraps up and brings closure to the session, time to give recognition to who created the program. 


List and describe 2 of the 8 components of Datillo's model.

Develop a leisure ethic

Be aware of self in leisure

Explore leisure opportunities & resources

Acquire knowledge & skills: choice making, social interaction, recreation activity

Manage challenges


List 2 trends that exist in society which validate the need for leisure education.

Women revolution, changing household, plight of children, aging society, the changing job, living above our means, technological advances.


Identify 2 positive outcomes for populations discussed during this learning outcome.

older adults: Improved attitude toward leisure, Increased frequency and duration of leisure participation

individuals with chemical dependency & prevention of substance misuse:

Improvement in structuring free time, enhanced social interaction skills

cognitive impairments: Increased knowledge of leisure resources, development of leisure skills

mental health or behavioral services: Ease of community reintegration, decrease in social emotional problems that affect leisure

individuals who have been abused: Explored motivations for leisure choices and self-reflection, stronger relationships with friends and family 


List and describe 3 of the 8 components of Datillo's model.

Develop a leisure ethic

Be aware of self in leisure

Explore leisure opportunities & resources

Acquire knowledge & skills: choice making, social interaction, recreation activity

Manage challenges


Identify 2 of the 4 areas of adaptation for leisure education and provide two examples for each




Instructional Strategies


The 4 C's when providing direction in leisure education sessions.

Clear – be clear in what you present

Concise – tell them what they need to know

Complete – all information needed to complete tasks

Comparing – make connections between what you are teaching and their lives
