Define agriculture.
What is the name of the place where several Iroquois families lived together?
What company ran New Netherland?
The Dutch West India Company
Which Dutch settlement was the furthest north along the Hudson River?
Define tolerance
The acceptance of different beliefs
What is a hunter-gatherer?
What is people who hunted animals and gathered food.
What did the Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, and Mohawks form?
Iroquois League
What is a voyage?
Long journey
What are tenant farmers?
They work on farms but don't own it. They are paid with food and shelter.
What is a reservation
Land set aside for Native Americans
Where did early native americans live for shelter?
What is an example of an Iroquois game that people still play today?
Name three products that were traded with the native americans
corn, turkey, pepper, potato, tomato
Name two European explorers
Giovanni de Verrazano, Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, Henry Hudson
A hut made of wood
How did Algonquins adapt to the ice age ending?
They started using wood and started farming.
What did clan mothers do?
Choose leaders
What harm did the Columbian Exchange bring to the Americas?
bringing diseases and causing death
What was in Hudson's journal and what effect did it have?
The journal had information about Americas resources and it made the Dutch West India Company make a colony there.
What is a council
A group that makes decisions
What were the seasonal moons?
Algonquins assigned a moon to each month depending on what was important in that month.
What are the Iroquois like today?
Just like everybody else / some live on reservations
Why did the Europeans start exploring? Name three reasons.
For spices, exploration and a quicker route to Asia.
Manna-hatta, "many hills"
What are sachems
Leaders from each clan