Talk about something you have learned on your recovery journey
Examples: boundary setting, childhood trauma, psychoeducation, etc.
A settled or regular tendency/practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
List 2 positive affirmations
"I am beautiful"
"I am strong"
"I am enough"
List 3 symptoms of PAWS
inability to think clearly, memory problems, emotional overreactions or numbness, sleep disturbances, physical coordination problems, stress sensitivity, etc.
Name the only Disney princess with tattoos
What is relapse prevention?
a part of treatment that provides one with tools to handle the daily stressors of life outside of the treatment environment
Give an example of an external trigger
Time of day, location, financial problems, being in an uncomfortable situation, etc.
Name 2 types of self care we discussed
positive affirmations, breathing exercises, meditation & mindfulness, grounding yourself, getting creative, exercise, journaling
What does PAWS stand for?
What number is spelled with the same number of letters as the number itself?
Give 3 triggers that may cause relapse
Stress, environment, people you surround yourself with, trauma, etc.
Give an example of an internal trigger
Feelings of stress/sadness/anger, overconfidence in your sobriety, arising feelings that you want to avoid, etc.
Name one grounding technique we discussed (we talked about 3)
Give 3 suggestions that would help someone suffering from PAWS
know your triggers, allow trusted friends & family be aware of your triggers, be patient, have someone to lean on, create a new habit, etc.
What animal has the highest blood pressure
List 3 coping skills
finding a distraction, meditation, self care, etc.
What 3 pieces make up The Habit Loop
Trigger, Behavior, Reward
Why is physical exercise good for ones mental health?
Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins.
When can someone suffer from PAWS?
3 months-2 years. Everyone is different
Who holds the record for winning the most Oscars?
Walt Disney (26)
What does THRIVE stand for?
Therapeutic Healing Recovery Initiative for Vitality and Empowerment
Give an example of a habit loop
Trigger - fight with a friend
Behavior - getting high
Reward - stress relief
What is a 'body scan'?
A body scan allows you to pay attention and notice each part of your body. It can help reconnect to parts of your body that might still hold painful memories.
What causes PAWS?
PAWS is a result of brain dysfunction caused by the brain readjusting to being without alcohol/drugs after a long period of use.
What are the names of the five Great Lakes?
Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Superior.