True or False
The Word Advent means "The Departure"
Proverbs says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it"
The Body of water that God split to allow Israel to leave Egypt
The Red Sea
James 4 tells us that
"This life is like a vapor. It's here for a second and then it vanishes"
In what book does the Bible say that one will come who will "bruise the head of the serpent"
Jesus says in Matthew 7, "You will know a tree by its _____
The Ark represents what?
The presence of God
Responsible for building the Temple
In the book of Daniel, the Israelites are living in the city of
When Jesus's family flees Bethlehem because of Herod, where did they go?
Anything that we’ve put in front of God in our hearts is called _____
An Idol
Name two of the things that we "carry"
The cross, the message, His character, His will, His Power
Said that he could rebuild the temple in 3 days
In the parable of the ten virgins, half of them don't make it to the wedding feast because they ran out of what?
How many years was it between the last prophecy about Christ and his actual arrival?
About 400 years
David exclaims, "Create in me a clean heart O God and news a right spirit within me" after what dramatic event in His life
His affair with Bathsheba
The Mercy Seat
In order to make the walls of Jericho fall, Israel was instructed to do 3 things on the 7th day. Name 2 of them.
2. Blow the trumpet
3. Shout loudly
God's control and authority over this world is called His what?
Name 3 of the names, Isaiah the Prophet says that Jesus will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Finish this scripture, "Confess your faults one to another..........."
that you may be healed
Paul says in Romans 8 that we rejoice in our sufferings because suffering produces what?
Endurance or Perseverance.
The wicked, King and Queen of Israel who lived during the time of Elijah.
King Ahab & Jezebel
King Nebuchadnezzar requested two things from his wise men after a terrible dream... what were they?
Tell him what the dream was and to interpret it.