What club paints and draws?
What is Art club?
Can you wear a hat or hood at school?
What is No?
What grade do you get if you cheat?
What is F?
Who is the principal?
Who is Rebecca Herbert?
What sport has games on Friday nights?
What is Football?
What club does "see you at the pole"?
What is Christian club?
Where are red zones during instructional time?
What is everywhere?
What is the grading scale?
What is 10-point?
Who rides around in a golf cart?
Who is Mr. Walls?
When does baseball games start?
What is February?
What is the main requirement to participate in any extracurricular activity after school?
What is a student must be present during that school day?
Where should you go if you're tardy?
Where is main entrance?
How many days do you have to make up any tests or assignments?
What is 5?
Who is the 10th grade guidance council?
Who is Terez Magshound?
What sports does Coach Ashley Barbra coach?
What is cross country and girls basketball?
Where does your ID tag have to be worn?
What is on your shirt collar?
If you get a 67% what grade would that be?
Who is the nurse?
Who is Pamela Barker?
How many points do you earn when you score a touchdown in football?
What is 6 points?
If you drive recklessly, speed, or are unable to follow parking procedures in the school parking lot, what will happen?
What is suspension?
What happens when you have a C at the year in an honors class?
What is being switched to regulars?
Which administrative staff used to help out with volleyball and softball?
Who is Wendy Roussel?