If any of you mention braveheart or outlander i swear-
Hi im jared im 19 and I did learn how to read
What if we kissed under the crumbling Berlin Wall
cracking open a cold one with the boys
Who's got the cutest pet on the internet? None of these folks.

Which Scottish leader was the general during the Battle of Stirling Bridge and was appointed Guardian of Scotland before his capture in 1298?

William Wallace


What is the oldest written language? 

A. Old Chinese

B. Egyptian

C. Sumerian

D. Anatolian

C. Sumerian


Name the author of the The Communist Manifesto, the piece of literature which was influential in the ideology of the Soviet Union.

Karl Marx


Roald Amudsen and his expedition were the first humans to reach the geographic south pole. From which country did they hail?

A. England

B. Sweden

C. Norway

D. Netherlands



What leafy vegetable was Alice Roosevelt’s snake named after?

A. Lettuce

B. Spinach

C. Kale

D. Chard

B. Spinach


Scotland has a rich history of shipbuilding, with the cities on the River Clyde leading the way. It is said in 1900 that this percentage of ships in the world were built on the River Clyde?

A. 5%

B. 20%

C. 25%

D. 33%

B. 20%


2.Which is the only language in the world with no historical ties to any other language? 



Which Soviet leader emphasized heavy industry and the collectivization of agriculture in his 5 year plans?

A. Lenin

B. Trotsky

C. Khrushchev

D. Stalin 

D. Stalin


The Franklin expedition in 1845 was the last push to find a viable North West Passage. Name 1 of the two ships that took part in the expedition.

Erebus or Terror


This type of animal is said to have started the Great Chicago Fire after kicking over a lantern.

A. Horse

B. Goat

C. Cow

D. Sheep

C. Cow


In what year was Scotland joined with England to form the United Kingdom?

The Acts of Union of 1707 


3.How many letters did the earliest known version of the English alphabet include? 

A. 23

B. 26

C. 29

D. 34

C. 29


What was the name of the communist party which launched the October Revolution of 1917 and subsequently ruled the Soviet Union for the next 74 years?

 The Bolshevik Party


Robert Peary is credited for ‘discovering’ the north pole, but which man in his expedition was actually the first person to set foot on the spot?

Matthew Henson


Which astronomer kept a pet moose that perished after falling down the stairs at a party?

A. Tycho Brahe

B. Galileo Galilei

C. Johannes Kepler

D. Nicholas Copernicus

A. Tycho Brahe


This stone was the item Scottish monarchs were crowned on from the 9th century until Edward I took the stone to Westminster during the First Scottish War of Independence.

The Stone of Scone


4.What is the most translated book that is unrelated to the Bible? 

A. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

B. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

C. The Alchemist

D. The Little Prince

D. The Little Prince


Name the two reforms launched by Gorbachev in his attempt to revive the Soviet Union economically and politically. (Need to name them both correctly to receive the points)

 perestroika and glasnost


What was the name of the Antarctic island on which almost all of the men in the 1918 Shackelton expeditor were stranded?

A. Big Island

B. Danger Island

C. Zavodovski Island

D. Elephant Island

Elephant Island


John Quincy Adams kept this kind of reptile as a pet.

A. Crocodile

B. Turtle

C. Tortoise

D. Alligator

D. Alligator


Which of these was not invented by a Scot?

A. The telephone

B. Penicillin

C. The color photograph

D. The internal combustion engine

D. The internal combustion engine


5. What was the first recorded "artificial" language and who created it?

Lingua Ignota, Hildegard de Bingen


Name the Soviet leader who recorded an album of romantic ballads in memory of his wife. The only copy of the record was sold in 2009 for $164,940 at an auction.

Mikhail Gorbachev


The ozone hole above Antarctica is a fairly well-known sign of climate change and human induced pollution. What year was this phenomenon discovered?

A. 1949

B. 1999

C. 1985

D. 1912

C. 1985


What is the name of the horse that Caligula ‘attempted’ to make consul? (all of these were real horses names!)

A. Incitatus

B. Aethon

C. Ferox

D. Valens

