As a young boy, Thurgood Marshall's father taught him about respect. Through these lessons Marshall discovered the value of...
What is freedom of conscience and expression?
When Thurgood Marshall was in college, he and some African American friends went to the movies. They were told to sit in the balcony. What kind of rule did not allow them to sit on the main floor?
What was segregation?
The United States was involved in World War II from 1941 to 1945. Which of Marshall's victories for African Americans happened during WWII?
What is protecting voting rights in Harris County, Texas?
Thurgood Marshall served as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America for 24 year. Marshall was the first African American to...
What is become a Supreme Court judge?
A discussion in which many sides of an argument are presented?
What is a debate?
In school, teachers kept Thurgood Mashall busy studying the United States Constitution. Marshall later said, "Before I left that school I knew the whole thing by heart." This knowledge helped Marshall when he...
What is went to school to become a lawyer?
Thurgood Marshall and Donald Murray both faced a serious legal obstacle that changd their lives. That obstacle was...
What was being denied admission to University of Maryland Law School?
In 1951, the father of a third grader asked Thurgood Marshall to go to court to argue that separate schools could not be equal. The case is known as ...
What is "Brown versus the Board of Education"?
Refusing to buy, sell, or use certain goods or services as a way to protest something.
What is boycott?
The right to think and say as you wish.
What is freedom of conscience and expression?
People bring skills, knowledge, and hard work to their jobs. These things are an example of one type of productive resource. Thurgood Marshall worked hard in school, investing in himself to become a more valuable...
What is human resource?
Local, state, and federal governments provide services to citizens. These services are paid fo by taxes. The main problem with "separate but equal" for African Americans was...
What is services were not provided equally among all citizens?
In the Brown versus the Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruling in 1954 that from that point on, it would be against the law to stop African American children from...
What is attending public schools?
A person who is an official member of a city, town, or country?
What is a citizen?
Fair and equal treatment under a system of laws.
What is justice?
Thurgood Marshall's father taught his son how to discuss his views on an issue. When several people discuss different sides of an issue in a formal way, it is called...
What is a debate?
After Thurgood Marshall won the case for education rights in 1954, and before he became a judge serving on the Supreme Court, Marshall...
What is worked on a case that involved restaurants?
Thurgood Marshall's work as a lawyer and a judge affected people all across the country. One example is a 1967 case that began in Spokana, Washington. Marshall and the other Supreme Court justices decided that all people who have been accused of a crime...
What is have a right to a lawyer during all legal processes?
The basic freedoms that all citizens deserve to have because they are citizens.
What are civil rights?
A system of keeping some people separate from others.
What is segregation?
Marshall's teacher and mentor who was head of the law school at Howard University.
Who was Charles Hamilton Houston?
What does NAACP stand for?
What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?
Marshall helped this man take the University of Maryland Law School to court for not allowing him to attend because he was African American.
Who was Donald Murray?
The name of the third grader involved in Brown versus the Board of Education.
Who was Linda Brown?
What did President Johnson say his reason was for choosing Marshall to serve as a judge on the United States Supreme Court?
What is "I believe it is the right thing to do, the right time to do it, the right man, and the right place."?