An example of non-verbal communication
smiling, eye rolling, crying, crossing arms, Etc.
Definition of conflict
disagreement or argument
What is one negative effect of meth use?
scabs, rotting teeth, skinny, paranoia, violent
What is one of the mindfulness strategies you practiced in group this week
sound ball
food for thought
An example of one-way communication
Teacher giving a lecture, listening to a podcast. Any communication where you cannot speak back.
Name 3 healthy relaxation strategies
Progressive muscle relaxation
deep breathing
What are some ingredients that make up meth?
pseudoephedrine and chemicals in cleaners
using senses to increase relaxation
Give a fact about someone on your team
color of shirt, give their name, etc.
thing that is known to be true and proven
Describe the conflict resolution referred to as 'Turtle'
avoiding confrontation and caring about others more than their own goals
What medication is meth most closley related to?
What is an example of using self-soothing?
provide one of the 6 senses and how to use that sense to calm down
smell lavender
Give an opinion about what you ate for lunch today
it was the best thing ever, my favorite food, it was gross
opinion is based on beliefs and personal viewpoints; can be arguable
Identify 2 ways to resolve a conflict appropriately
use "I statements"
if needed take some time to calm down and come back to the topic
avoid name calling, bringing up the past
What is one way marijuana impacts your physical functioning?
What does ACCEPTS stand for?
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, thoughts, sensations
Have an appropriate two-way conversation with one of your team mates using non-verbal and verbal communication
Turn this into an "I statement"
"You don't get what I am going through"
I feel ______ when you ____.
What is one way substance use impacts ability to react in emergency situations?
slow reaction time, overthinking, impulsive decisions, irritability
help a friend in need, donate something, volunteer