Someone who does way too much for a person they like
What is a simp
What shape was the phone in Jersey Shore
What is a duck?
Inflammation of the gums
What is Gingivitis
Trade, Build, Settle
What is Catan
When you see someone wearing ugly shoes
What are thooooose
Piping hot gossip
What is tea?
L.B.D is a staple in a woman's closet
What is little black dress
Ignoring someone on a dating app
Cyan is Sus
What is Among Us
What did Welvin get in the mail?
What are Deez Nutz
A dumbass' "carpe diem"
What is YOLO?
Can be someone on the internet, can be someone that lives under a bridge
Quit playing _____ with my heart
What is Games
Always think 10 steps ahead
Back at it again with the White Vans
What is DAAAMN Daniel
Middle aged woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to others' problems an inconvenience to her although she isn't even remotely affected
Who is Karen
The smallest bone in the body
What is the ear
Monstrous creature
Royal Flush
What is Poker
What word belongs in the rainbow
What is imagination
Other than feelings, what else can you catch?
Deepest point in the ocean
what is Challenger Deep
Rhymes with dome and lives in front of your home
What is a gnome
Spanish Number
What is Uno
What colour combinations were the dress?
What are blue and black/white and gold