What is Zae's hair color ?
What sport does Jordan play ?
What origin was Acrisius ?
Draconic / Dragon
What is the date TIASH was created ?
June 3 2021 / 6-3-21
Who was voted biggest flirt ?
What is Peach's eye color ?
What does TIASH stand for ?
This Is A Safe Haven
What origin was Jordan ?
Who joined TIASH first; Jordan or Aary ?
Who were voted the biggest drama king and queen ?
Acrisius and Aary
What is Tayo's hair color ?
Who are the only 2 members of TIASH not in the Snapchat group chat ?
Tayo and Jason
Who are the 2 people who were ever penguins ?
Josh and Zae
Where did the founding fathers of TIASH meet ?
The tos server
Who was voted Most likely to move out of the country ?
What is Andrew's eye color ?
What type of injuries did Tayo just sustain on his hand ?
Sprain and internal bruising
What origin was Andrew ?
Phantom / Ghost
Who invited Zuko to TIASH ?
Who were the 2 people tied for Most likely to be a scaredy cat ?
Aary and Jordan
What is Bianca's current hair color ?
Where did we meet Jason ?
Acrisius' minecraft server
Who ever had origins that gave them flight ?
Aary, Acrisius, Josh, and Tayo
When did Peach and Zuko start dating ?
2-14-22 / Valentines Day