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Tiberius Praetorian Prefect was executed in this year.
What is AD 31? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name the Praetorian Prefect.
This heir & a spare were sent to deal with the two mutinies in AD 14.
Who is Drusus & Germanicus?
Tiberius provided large subsidies to lower the price of this commodity.
What is grain?
Tiberius did not erect many of these during his reign.
What is Buildings? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name one building that Tiberius DID erect.
The German border was fixed at this river during Tiberius’ reign.
What is the Rhine? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Which river did Germanicus try and extend to?
Tiberius retired to this locale in AD 26 – leaving a power vacuum in Rome.
What is Capri? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Provide the name of Tiberius’ residence on Capri.
This imperial power allowed the princeps to veto senatorial legislation & initiate his own laws – and it became the power of choice to bestow upon a potential heir.
What is Tribunicia potestas? DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Name TWO of the other powers held by the princeps.
Tiberius provided an interest-free loan to alleviate a financial crisis in this year.
What is AD 33? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name the other financial measure that Tiberius took in this year.
Tiberius tended to feature on coins with this man.
Who is the deified Augustus?
This man was the leader of a revolt in Africa.
Who is Tacfarinas? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Provide the dates of Tacfarinas’ revolt (AD 17-23).
Tacitus portrays this trial of AD 15 as the beginning of the treason trials under Tiberius.
What is the trial of Libo Drusus?
These young men were next in line after the death of Drusus in AD 23.
Who is Nero & Drusus? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: In which year did each of the boys die?
Tiberius expelled people of this ethnicity from Rome.
What is the Jews? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name the other group who was expelled from Rome during his reign.
Tiberius refused this prestigious title.
What is Father of the country (Pater patriae)? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name one honour that Tiberius denied Livia.
This woman accused Sejanus & Livilla of murdering Drusus in AD 23 before she committed suicide.
Who is Apicata?
This academic did some math on the treason trials and concluded that Tiberius was not as responsible as Tacitus had made out in the Annals.
What is Walker (1952)?
Along with Gaius Caligula, this boy was made heir of Tiberius.
Who is Tiberius Gemellus? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name the parents of this young man.
The judicial role of this body was expanded under Tiberius.
What is the Senate?
This source presents an extremely positive view of Tiberius’ reign.
Who is Velleius Paterculus? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Explain Velleius’ relationship to Tiberius OR provide the date in which Velleius’ account ceases.
Piso was made governor of this province so that he could watch out for Germanicus whilst he was in the East.
What is Syria?
This man was convicted of treason for making insults about Tiberius.
Who is Votienus Montanus? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Provide the Latin term for informers.
This Praetorian Prefect may have given Tiberius a helping hand into the afterlife.
Who is Macro? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name the position that Macro had held before becoming Praetorian Prefect.
During Tiberius’ reign there were between 8-11 trials for this offence against men who had served in the provinces.
What is Repetundae (corruption)? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: How do Dio & Tacitus tend to explain these trials?
Tiberius allowed a temple to be erected to himself, Livia & the Senate in this location.
What is Smyrna? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Why had Smyrna wanted to erect a temple?
Cremutius Cordus was tried for writing this in his History of Rome.
What is praising Brutus & Cassius in his history? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Explain what happened to Cordus.