Topic Sentences
Ending Sentences

What does the "W" in POW stand for? 

Write...and say more


What does T, I, D, E stand for? 

T - topic sentence

I - important evidence

D - detailed examination

E - ending sentence


One tip for writing topic sentences is that they should NOT _______. 

give away details or evidence (yet)! 


Which piece of evidence does NOT support the topic sentence?

Topic Sentence: Fourth graders at BFS get many special priveleges for being the oldest students in the lower school. 

a) 4th graders attend an overnight trip. 

b) 4th graders use Chromebooks for many assignments.

c) 4th graders eat lunch in the cafeteria. 

d) 4th graders get a yearbook at the end of the year.

c) 4th graders eat lunch in the cafeteria. 

(3rd graders also do that!)


Which other part of the paragraph (TIDE) should be most similar to the ending sentence?

The topic sentence


What do you do first in the writing process?

P - Pick my idea


What type of writing is TIDE helpful for? 

Informational writing


Which would NOT be a good topic sentence for a paragraph about baseball?

a) Baseball is a popular sport played by teams.

b) Many kids enjoy playing baseball.

c) The World Series is an exciting championship that determines the best baseball team in Major League Baseball each year.

d) Baseball is one of the most popular sports in America.

c) The World Series is an exciting championship that determines the best baseball team in Major League Baseball each year.


Write 1 piece of important evidence based on the topic sentence:

We play many fun games in P.E. at BFS. 

(Any sentence about 1 specific game that is played in P.E.). 


Which sentence below would be the best ending sentence for a paragraph about soccer?

a) Soccer is a popular sport played all over the world. 

b) Two teams compete to score the most goals before the end of the game.

c) As you can see, soccer is an exciting sport!

d) Overall, the goalie is the most important player. 

c) As you can see, soccer is an exciting sport!


What do you do second in the writing process?

Organize your notes


What does each part of the TIDE paragraph do/mean? 

T - introduces the reader to the topic

I - provides a detail/explanation/reason that supports the main idea

D - dives in to say more about the I

E - wraps up the paragraph, reminds the reader of the topic


Which is the best topic sentence for a paragraph about salsa music?

a) Salsa is often danced in pairs. 

b) Salsa music is a lively and energetic genre that combines various musical styles and rhythms.

c) Salsa music features brass instruments and percussion.

d) Salsa music arose in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s. 

b) Salsa music is a lively and energetic genre that combines various musical styles and rhythms.


Write a detailed examination for the important evidence. 

T: There are many things we can do to help steward the environment.

I: One thing we can do is composting in the cafeteria. 

D: _______________________________________

Any detailed examination about composting would be acceptable (i.e. we compost plates, food scraps, silverware, etc.). 


Write an ending sentence based on the topic sentence.

T: There are many fun activities you can do when it snows.

E: _____________________________________

Any sentence about the same main idea


What do the "E" and "R" in POWER stand for? 

Edit and Revise


Put the parts of the paragraph in order.

_____ This process gives the plantains a crispy exterior while maintaining a soft interior.

_____ This delicious meal is a special part of Puerto Rican culture and is enjoyed by many!

_____ Mofongo is a tasty dish from Puerto Rico that many people love to eat.

_____ In addition to the pork, mofongo can be served with a variety of fillings such as shrimp, chicken, or vegetables.

_____ To make the dish, green plantains are first boiled and then fried until they are golden and crispy.

_____ Then, they are mashed with garlic and pork cracklings, which are crunchy pieces of fried pork.

3) This process gives the plantains a crispy exterior while maintaining a soft interior.

6) This delicious meal is a special part of Puerto Rican culture and is enjoyed by many!

1) Mofongo is a tasty dish from Puerto Rico that many people love to eat.

5) In addition to the pork, mofongo can be served with a variety of fillings such as shrimp, chicken, or vegetables.

2) To make the dish, green plantains are first boiled and then fried until they are golden and crispy.

4) Then, they are mashed with garlic and pork cracklings, which are crunchy pieces of fried pork.


Write a topic sentence for the paragraph: 

___________________________________________One fact about jaguars is that they have the strongest bite of all big cats. This allows them to crush the shells of turtles and the bones of their prey. Another fact about jaguars is that they are excellent swimmers. They are often seen swimming in rivers to hunt for fish or caiman. As you can see, Jaguars are uniquely adapted to survive and thrive in their habitat! 

Something along the lines of...

Jaguars have many interesting features/adaptations.


Write the second I and D for the paragraph. 

T: We have many specials classes at BFS.

I: One specials class that we have is Espanol. 

D: We are currently learning the vocabulary for different places around the city, such as "la biblioteca" for library.

I: ______________________________________

D: ______________________________________

E: We are lucky to have so many great specials!

I: (A sentence naming another specials class)

D: (A detail about the specials class named above)


Write an ending sentence based on the topic sentence.

T: Bees are essential to the health of our environment. 

E: ________________________________

Any sentence about the same main idea. 


During which stage of POW should you first use "TIDE" to help you with an informational paragraph?

O - Organize my notes

Which part of the paragraph is missing? 

Sylvia Rivera was a brave activist who fought for the rights of LGBTQ+ people. One important thing she did was help start the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR). STAR worked to support people who didn’t have a home. Sylvia also played a key role in the Stonewall Riots. She is remembered for her courage and for making the world a better place for everyone!


What is wrong with the topic sentence? Revise it to fix the mistake. 

The female supreme court justices are Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Amy Coney Barrett. Sonia Sotomayor is the first Latina to serve as a Supreme Court Justice. She became the first when she was appointed by Barack Obama in 2009. Sonia grew up in New York in the Bronx. There, she faced and overcame many challenges. Sonia Sotomayor inspires many people with her story of determination and commitment to justice.

The topic sentence should only be about Sonia Sotomayor - not the other female justices. 

Write both Is and Ds for the paragraph. 

T: Kids can do many different activities after school ends.

I: _____________________________________

D: ____________________________________

I: ____________________________________

D: ____________________________________

E: It's nice to have a choice of activities after school to help unwind from the busy day! 

I1: Any after school activity

D1: A detail about that activity

I1: A different after school activity

D2: A detail about the second activity


Write an ending sentence for the paragraph. 

Have you ever wondered how rainbows are formed? First, light enters the raindrop and bends, or refracts, as it goes in. This bending splits the light into different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Next, the light reflects off the inside surface of the raindrop. As it exits the raindrop, the light bends again, creating the colorful arc we see. ____________ ____________________________________________

Any sentence only about the main idea of how rainbows are formed.
