Tie Breaker

Which among the three levels does these two stages, namely, Stage 3 (Good Boy, Nice Girl Orientation) and Stage 4 (Law-and-Order Orientation), belong to?

a. Preconventional Level

b. Conventional Level

c. Postconventional Level

B. Conventional Level


Which of the following statements pertains to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?

a. The idea that universal facts exist and can be progressively discovered.

b. It is recognized for being both an inspiration and a catalyst for the adoption of over 70 human rights agreements.

c. It refers to the origin of concepts and ideas on a philosophical theory.

d. It is an international organization established on October 24, 1945. Its membership has grown from 51 member states to 193 member states.

B. It is recognized for being both an inspiration and a catalyst for the adoption of over 70 human rights agreements. 
