What war was Grandpa drafted into?
What Michelin List restaurant did we go to in Provence?
What did we do for Ainsley's 12th birthday?
One direction concert
What is everyones zodiac sign here
Karen=Leo, Maura=Leo, David=Gemini, Anna=Taurus, Ainsley=Virgo
Which family member resembles the CEO killer?
Uncle Rich
What is Karen's nickname for the college she attended?
Harvard of the South
David and Ainsley went to a gas station turned museum of a specific American President while in Ireland. Who was that president?
Barack Obama
Name Anna's first (and only) fish. Bonus points if you name her hamster
Dart, Carmella
What retail shop in Folsom did Anna briefly work at?
Name Maura's worst kiss ever
Uncle rich had a snake named ____. He pronounced the word "snake" as _____.
Muffin, sthnake.
What did Anna say to Mom after getting in a fight with Sofia Parazzi in Italy?
She is NOT invited to my wedding.
Who did Anna bully in elementary school
Lauren Keane
Name David's first wife, first and last
I don't even know Kathy something?
Shoosh, Da Shoosh, Suz
Karen has referred to her younger self as a ___ ___ that turned into a _____ ____.
ugly duckling, beautiful swan
What celebrity did you guys see in Hawaii?
Who did Dad force Anna to go to sophomore year homecoming with?
Connor Lesman
Name Gabby's children. Bonus point for naming Byrons as well
Peyton and Jackson, Brittain and Brayden?
Name nicknames that Karen has called Anna and Ainsley
Squirrels, Mini Sirloin Burgers, Munchkins
What minority group famously loved Grandma?
the gays
What was the name of the restaurant we frequented in Palm Springs?
What was the name of the kid who terrorized almost all of Ainsley's elementary school classes, who Mom would make her partner up with always
Jason MacDonald
What was the name of Ainsley's freshman year roommate?
Jackie Strawn
Name all three of David's most commonly burped words
Burp, Belch, Bert