This is the name of the general killed by Yehudis
Who is Elifornus
All birds are kosher except for this amount of species mentioned in the Torah
What is 24
True or False - More students are born in Summer months than Winter months
What is false, more born in Winter
This faculty member is part Sefardi
Who is Rabbi Metz
This is the place where the Mishkan stood for 369 years
What is Shiloh
He was the last Maccabee (5 sons of Mattisyahu) alive
Who was Yonason
The Bracha Acharona made on rice
Borei Nefashos
He is the tallest student in our Yeshiva
Who is Shloimy Parnes
This member of our staff has Semicha from Yeshiva Torah Vodaas
Who is Rabbi Spirn
He was the Kohen Gadol who did the Gorel to divide the Nachalos
Who was Elazar Hacohen
This is what to do if you forgot Al Hanisim in Shemonah Esrei
What is "do not repeat Shemonah Esrei"
The three days during which Klal Yisrael prepared for Matan Torah
What are the Shlosha Yemei Hagbalah
He received most votes to be class President (Don't worry, he's not actually president)
Avraham Shlomo Spira
From everybody on staff, these two staff members know each other the longest
Who are Rabbi Gold and Rabbi Teitelbaum
He was in some ways like a Malach
Who was Pinchos
After two hunded years of Malchus Chashmonaim, he killed all remaining members of the Chashmonaim
Who was Hurdus - Herod the Great
Besides Chanukah, when do we make the Bracha of She'asa Nissim
What is Purim before Krias Hamegillah
Salad is this students go to snack in the afternoon
Who is Sruli Steinberg
This many staff members were not originally from New York State
What is zero
This was the first city the Bnei Yisrael captured in Eretz Yisrael
What is Yericho
The candles that you light FIRST on Erev Shabbos Chanukah
What is the Menorah
These are the four Chalakim of Shulchan Aruch
What is Choshen Mishpat, Yoreh Deah, Orach Chaim, Even Ha'ezer
Who is the youngest student in Yeshiva
who is yosef Klotzkin
Who is the only staff member in yeshiva to have his own walk-up song when he enters Yeshiva
Who is Rabbi Honickman
He stole from the Chairem of the spoils of Yericho
Who was Achan