
What is the best definition of analysis in writing?

A) A summary of the evidence and the text you are writing about.

B) Explaining to the reader what the evidence says in a new, different way.

C) A detailed examination of the evidence in order to understand it.

D) Analyzing the things that need to be analyzed.

C) A detailed examination of the evidence in order to understand it.


What is the best definition of evidence?

A) A summary of the text you are writing about.

B) Something that provides proof of the claim.

C) Explaining why your audience should agree with your claim.

D) Something paraphrased from a text.

B) Something that provides proof of the claim.


Which is the best definition of summary?

A) A simple restating of the main points in a text.

B) Providing reasons your audience should agree with your claim.

C) Deep thinking and examination of a text and how it connects to your claim.

D) Unnecessary details from a text.

A) A simple restating of the main points in a text


What is the best definition of a claim?

A) An illogical assertion about a topic.

B) A part of your thesis statement.

C) A logical assertion about a topic that is open to challenge.

D) A generalized statement about a topic that you want to communicate to the audience.

C) A logical assertion about a topic that is open to challenge


Fill in the blank:

Your TDA response should be between __ and ___ paragraphs, minimum.

Your TDA response should be between 3 and 4 paragraphs, minimum.


Two definitions of analysis are below. Select the best definition and put it into your own words.

1. A detailed examination of anything complex in order to understand its nature or determine its essential features

2. The identification or separation of ingredients of a substance.

1 is the best definition

In your own words- lots of answers, I get to choose if you've done it well enough based on your answer


What type of evidence is the best, strongest type of evidence?

Direct evidence


True or False: Summary is more challenging to do than analysis.

False- summary is simple restating of things that already exist whereas analysis is new, original thinking.


True or False: Claims are the same as thesis statements and topic sentences

True! The main claim will be your thesis and all sub-claims (smaller claims) will be your topic sentences of each body paragraph


What does TDA stand for?

Text Dependent Analysis


Analysis is often confused with summary. What is the difference?

Summary is retelling or restating whereas analysis is looking at something a new way.


At a minimum, how many pieces of direct evidence do you need in each body paragraph for the TDA?


Where should you avoid summary?

A) Introduction paragraph

B) Body paragraphs

C) Conclusion paragraph

B) Body paragraphs are where analysis should happen, not summary!


Determine the key words in the prompt:

Students often times feel overwhelmed by the amount of homework they are assigned. Analyze the value of homework in a student's daily life. Remember to use direct evidence from the provided texts. 

**Hint: there are 5 individual, key words to identify**

1. Value

2. Homework

3. Student

4. Daily (5.) life


Identify the task in the prompt (the most important sentence for the writer):

The author concludes the passage with a quotation from Joe Jenkins: “The best choices will improve our lives and the cities we live in by respecting each other and the planet we so depend upon.” Write an essay analyzing how the information throughout the passage supports Jenkins’s ideas. Use evidence from the passage to support your response

Write an essay analyzing how the information throughout the passage supports Jenkins’s ideas.


Which is analysis and which is summary?

1. This quote explains how green and cool roofs have already been used in other countries and are being used more in the U.S. 

2. The sounds in the poem are meant to remind you of all the little, comforting sounds that remind you of a good memory. 

1- Summary

2- Analysis


Identify the strongest piece of evidence:

1. Eye witnesses say that MLK Jr. gave a rousing speech in August of 1963 that help enliven the Civil Rights Movement.

2. Experts attest to the fact that the "I Have a Dream Speech" helped bolster support for the Civil Rights Movement.

3. Educational specialist for the National Archives said about the "I Have a Dream Speech", "the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. influenced the Federal government to take more direct actions to more fully realize racial equality."



Identify which sentence is summary and which sentence is analysis:

1. All these things clearly show and tell you that life is loud and busy. 

2. The little sounds help you appreciate many things; laughter, whispers, footsteps; all of these sounds have the potential to change your view point. 

1- Summary

2- Analysis


Evaluate which is the stronger claim:

1. To start the atoms of sound is about a poem that talks about all different natural kinds of sounds. 

2. Sound is a very important thing in our lives even if there isn’t anything around you, you still hear noise. 

3. “The Atoms of sound” revolves around the theme of how the most simple, everyday things can provide comfort. 

3- This is the only claim that clearly states the theme of the poem and acts as an arguable assertion 


Identify the two things that you should include in your response as a writer (think of key words):

The passages “There’s Still Gold in Those Hills” and “Letter from a Gold Miner” are both about the history of gold mining. Write an essay analyzing how the passages help the reader understand the history and process of gold mining in the United States. Use evidence from both passages to support your response. 

History and Process


Create an analysis sentence starter to get you started in the right direction. Use the following questions to create your sentence starters:

1. What aspects of this evidence would you like your audience to notice?

2. Why does this evidence matter to my argument?

3. How does this evidence evolve or change my argument?


1. Why did I choose this particular piece of evidence?

Answer: This evidence strengthens the argument because... 

Lots of possibilities- I get to decide if you have an acceptable answer for this or not

The best evidence is:

1. General and applies to many situations

2. Specific and applies to your claim

3. Paraphrased evidence

2- your evidence should be specific and directly related to your claim


Summarize the TDA prompt:

The plot of “Joe’s Reward” is driven by specific events that take place. Write an essay analyzing how the passage draws on elements commonly found in myths. Use evidence from the passage to support your response.

Analyze how the text uses common elements of myths.

Or something similar


Create a claim for the following prompt:

Analyze at what point in time a person becomes an adult.

There are a variety of answers- I get to decide if it is a quality claim or not 


The most important part of the TDA is the analysis, it is after all part of the acronym. Analysis breaks a work down to examine its various parts in close detail in order to see the work in a new light.

Provide a one sentence analysis of the following image:

Things you could have talked about:

1. Color

2. Lines

3. Subject

Lots of possibilities- I get to decide if your answer counts as analysis
