These two counselors have a crush on Ms. Zimmerman.
Who are Davis and Josh
When asked his favorite food, he answered, "Sushi of course, the Japanese are great at surviving."
Who is Todd Looney
This "Professional" touched our hearts while simultaneously giving us the creeps.
Who is Mr. Sonny
This Assistant Director looks like David Curesh
Who is Kolton
This Counselor thinks she can just waltz on in and get Christmas presents even though she spent a whole semester studying abroad.
Who is Frances? No Really, Who is she?
"Check This, Gold...Pure Gold," This Student exclaimed as he showed a counselor the metal zipper of his pants.
Who is Evan
Love was in the air, until it wasn't, for these two counselors?
Who are Davis and Laura
This Assistant Director looks like Chris Pratt before he got healthy.
Who is Daniel
This Counselor showed up to an hour long staff meeting about 6 minutes before it was done.
Who is Reed
This Student has only once called me by the correct name in which he said, "Hello Mr. Fat Daniel."
Who is Alan
Ruby was given a heartfelt goodbye by this former counselor in which Ruby replied, "Ok".
Who is Chris
This Assistant Director and the Owner of McDougal's once helped Faith Hill put up her Christmas decorations.
Who is Daniel
This Counselor once wore an absolutely outrageous T-Shirt that we know would scare every kid. (Hint: It was Beary Scary!)
Who is Knox
Somewhere, in some form, these two students are crying and/or looking for their glasses.
Who are the Cofoids
While signing out, this Dad leaned in close to Mrs. Jolly and told her that her pants looked, "Rockin" on her. Then attempted an unsuccessful high five.
Who is Louise and Charlotte's dad.
This Assistant Director went to Lipscomb, has had very long curly hair, and has worked with youth groups.
Who is Both
This Counselor had a crush on Webb
Who is Brooke Bower
This Student's dad could have an entire section of jeopardy entitled, "Badass".
Who Cota's dad
This student got a poison ivy on his private area and his mom asked Liz to apply his ointment if needed throughout the day.
Who is Evan
This Assistant Director embarrassingly pooped his pants during a sit up contest in the 5th grade.
Who is Daniel