What does Willie May think will cure Rob?
To let the sadness rise from his legs
Name a word to describe Rob.
sad, lonely
Fog was hugging the ground
Personification: The fog was low to the ground
What is Sistine's problem?
She's stuck in Lister with her mom
Rob's Suitcase
What was the name of Willie May's bird?
What place does Rob live in?
The Kentucky Star Motel
Rob floated through the rest of the morning
Idiom: He's so happy that everything seemed good
Where did Sistine's parents meet?
The Sistine Chapel
What does the tiger symbolize to Rob?
His emotions: specifically anger and sadness/grief
What does Sistine think Willie May is?
A prophetess
What does Rob tell his dad when his dad shoots and kills the tiger?
"I wish it had been you","I wish it had been you that died! I hate you! You ain't the one I need. I need her! I need her!"
“…before you put your foot in your mouth any farther
Idiom: To keep saying something embarrassing
What does Sistine notice about Beauchamp and the tiger?
Beauchamp is afraid of the tiger
What does the rash symbolize?
Rob's sadness
What does Willie May think about the people who stay at the Kentucky Star?
She believes that she would rather be sweeping up after some pigs in a barn than cleaning up after the people in this place. Pigs at least give you some respect.
What's Rob's main problem?
He's struggling to deal with the death of his mother by himself so he hides all his emotions
It looked, to him, like a hand big enough to hold the entire world
Hyperbole: The hand was huge
What's Sistine's problem?
She's stuck in Lister with her mom. Extra point if you can tell me why they're there.
What does the cage symbolize to Sistine?
It represents her being trapped in Lister. She sees herself as the tiger.
Why did Willie May let her bird go?
She didn't want it caged up.
Why is Rob struggling with his emotions so much?
He has a bad role model in his dad. His dad has pushed him not to share his emotions.
What is the theme of the book?
Don't keep your feelings bottled up.
Is Sistine's Dad coming?
Why not?
What does the cage mean to Rob?
It represents safety. Part of the reason that he doesn't know if he should open it is because it means unleashing his own anger