In what country are the forests?
What secret does Ambar have?
4 cubs
Is Ambar a prey or a predator?
Who saves the cubs from the Python?
Raby and the forest animal's warnings
How much does Shankar weigh?
600 pounds
Who's the most magnificent animal of all?
What does Ambar feed her cubs in the first four months of their life?
Deer are color blind to what color?
True or false
The Python has a great eyesight.
How many square miles is the area that Shankar rules?
50 square miles
How do all the animals feel when they see a tiger?
How much do each of the cubs weigh?
a couple of pounds/2 pounds
Out of 20 hunts, how many fail?
The Python uses its sense of smell to find food.
What draws Shankar to Amber's den?
A strong smell of food.
What is the name of the mama tiger?
What are the names of Ambar's cubs?
Ivy, Raby, Charm, and Goldy
What type of snake almost attacked the cubs?
A Python
Why does Ambar move her cubs?
Because they're not safe anymore.
What does Ambar do to keep Skankar away from her cubs?
She leads him to the dead deer.
How old is Ambar?
3 years old
Who is the smallest cub?
How many feet is the Indian Python?
20 feet
What is the name of the tiger that rules the forest?
Where did Ambar go when her cubs left?
She went to live with Shankar.