Romans 1&2
Romans 3&4
Romans 5&6
Romans 7&8

Who wrote the letter to the Romans?



According to Romans 3:23, who has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God?

Everyone (all people)


In Romans 5:1, Paul says we have "peace with God" through Jesus. What does "peace" mean in this context?

It means reconciliation—we are no longer enemies of God because of Jesus' sacrifice.


Romans 8:1 states, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." What does "condemnation" mean here?

It means eternal judgment and separation from God, which believers are freed from through Christ.


Valentines Day recently passed, Where were you?

Sitting at home lonely ( Except Bariledum or Tiki). Whatever they say works


What does Romans 1 say people did instead of worshiping the true God?

They exchanged the glory of God for images of men, birds, animals, and reptiles (Romans 1:23).


In Romans 3:28, Paul states that a person is justified by what, apart from the works of the law?



Romans 5:12 says sin entered the world through one man. Who is this man, and what does this mean for humanity?

The man is Adam, and his sin brought death and separation from God to all people.


In Romans 7:5, what role does the law play in arousing sinful desires?

The law makes us aware of sin, which then provokes sinful desires.


Who's your favourite Tigris member

Only right answer is Oba ( I will also reluctantly accept no favourites)


According to Romans 2, why are those who judge others actually condemning themselves?

Because they practice the same things they judge others for (Romans 2:1).


In Romans 4:10-11, Paul explains that Abraham was counted righteous before a specific event. What event was that, and why is it important?

Before he was circumcised. This proves that righteousness comes by faith, not by following religious rituals.


Romans 5:20 states that "where sin increased, grace increased all the more." What is Paul emphasizing?

That God's grace is greater than any sin, and no one is beyond His forgiveness.


Romans 8:27 says that "the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." What does it mean for the Spirit to intercede "according to the will of God"?

It means that the Holy Spirit prays for believers in perfect alignment with God’s plans, even when they don’t know how to pray themselves.


Match the Profession or "Future profession to the Person"


Product Design 


Project management



Romans 2:6 states that God will render to each person according to this.

Their deeds (or works)


In Romans 3:2, Paul says the Jews were entrusted with the "oracles of God." What does the word “oracles” mean in this context?

"Oracles" refers to God’s direct revelations, including the Law, prophecies, and promises given to Israel.


Romans 5:17 contrasts Adam and Jesus. What does each bring?

Adam brought sin and death, while Jesus brought righteousness and life.


In Romans 8:15, Paul contrasts a "spirit of slavery" with a "spirit of adoption." What does this mean?

Believers are not fearful slaves but adopted children with full rights in God’s family.


Match the person to the fun fact


- Hates cooking but doesn't mind baking

- Loves to Cook

- Falls in love with everyone who can pronounce her name ( Crazy) (yet is still single)(Crazier)

- Thinks 3 people is a social gathering

- Enjoys Crocheting and Knitting


Romans 2:29 describes this as the true mark of belonging to God, done not by human hands but by the Spirit.

Circumcision of the heart 


In Romans 4:11, Paul describes circumcision as a "sign" and a "seal." What’s the difference between these two words?

A sign is a visible mark that represents something (circumcision showed faith). A seal is a guarantee or confirmation (it was proof that Abraham already had righteousness by faith).


Romans 6:4 says we are "buried with Christ through baptism." What does this burial symbolize?

It symbolizes the complete end of our old sinful life, just as burial marks the end of physical life.


In Romans 8:38-39, Paul lists things. What are they and what are they incapable of doing 

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.  No power in the sky above or in the earth below

Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Who's birthday is this

29th July

4th August

9th October

6th Feb

13th March

19th April
