Text Structure
Figurative Language
Context Clues/ Allusions
Point of View
To make an inference, you need __________ and __________.
What is background knowledge and information from the text?
She was late to practice because she had a flat tire. The text structure is ___________.
What is cause and effect?
Identify the type of figurative language used in this passage: "I am a tornado of legs and feet And warm wind whipping past..."
What is metaphor?
They composed a letter to the governor, asking for more soldiers in the fort. Composed means ______________.
What is wrote?
Identify the point of view: Nick sighed. He knew Mr. Swanson had noticed.
What is third person?
Abe held his book closer tot he lantern. Its small flame barely lit the page. Abe needed to read another two pages before school tomorrow. Just then, Abe's father walked in. "Abe, I need your help hitching up the horse and buggy." Make an inference about the setting.
What is a cabin long ago (Abe Lincoln's childhood cabin)?
Clue words like both, differences, and however indicate this text structure.
What is compare and contrast?
Identify the type of figurative language used: " the finish with a fierce finger roll..."
What is alliteration?
Moving all the furniture took a Herculean effort. Herculean effort means ___________________.
What is something difficult or requiring strength?
Identify the point of view: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Then you need to mix the eggs, milk, and flour in a large bowl.
What is second person?
His mouth hurt! The man knew it was time to make an appointment. When the day came, he waited in a room until he was called. Then he went to a small room and laid back in a moveable chair. The person in charge picked up a tool and bent over him as he began. Infer where this man is.
What is a dentist's office?
First, the seed is planted. After it rains, the seed sprouts. Then the plant grows tall. The text structure is _______.
What is Sequence/ chronology?
Identify the type of figurative language used: "He is as quiet as a mouse."
What is simile?
The laceration on the boy's finger was not too bad; it only needed two stitches. Laceration means ________________.
What is cut?
Identify the point of view: I thought being best friends with Laura would be a good thing.
What is first person?
The young woman looked down at her long dress. She felt like a princess! She and the others stood quietly until they heard the music. Then she walked down the aisle, holding her flowers. Make an inference about what is occurring.
What is a wedding?
Clue words like difficulty, solve, and challenge indicate this type of text structure.
What is problem and solution?
Identify the type of figurative language used: "And motherly Earth, I think, May have folded a little lost star in her arms."
What is personification?
Slavery was abolished after the Civil War. Abolished means _______________.
What is done away with/ got rid of?
Identify the point of view: "I had fun at your party," said Jack. Then he and Nick ran to the playground.
What is third person?
Animals that are endangered are close to becoming extinct. That means their species will no longer exist on Earth. Obey all rules and restrictions when camping or hiking. Do not feed wild animals. Take good care of the forest environment. No littering. Leave it better than you found it. Why do you think littering is dangerous for endangered species and the environment as a whole?
Littering can harm animals and pollute their environment.
Birds build nests using materials, like straw, twigs, and mud. Nests must be in a protected location, such as high in a tree or in a barn loft. The text structure used here is ________.
What is description?
Identify the type of figurative language used: "Glittering white, the blanket of snow covered everything in Sight."
What is imagery?
Chocolate was her Achilles' heel. She went off her diet when her aunt baked her favorite cake. Achilles' heel means _______________.
What is weakness/ weak spot?
Identify the point of view: Ben walked slowly down the sidewalk, whistling. He thought he was alone, but I watched him from the hidden branch of my tree.
What is first person?