Whos' that creator?
Whos' that creator 2?
Whos' that creator 3?
Name that shill
Do you know 7 Club?

This creator is the true-earth astronomer that brings us REAL video and photographs of the luminaries in our firmament. He combats the CGI fakery that is presented to us by NASA. 

David Shane


This creator is known as the Godfather of flatearth Tiktok. He brings thew community together like none other. He is a barber in his career life. He is open about his recovery journey. He is into electro culture and energy found in minerals and crystals. And he got the cutest kitties ever seen.  



This creator has at least 30 accounts because she keeps getting bananad. She speaks on many topics and she would be classified as a whistle blower due to her previous employment with the US military. She also writes tons of parody songs and wrote a song for 7Club once.



The far side of the moon looks like this shills sphincter.  



What term did 7 Club coin that refers to NASA? He calls NASA the _______ ________.

Fakery Bakery


This creator coined the term "Heliosexual" when referring to globers.  

Kaleb from KCDindustry


This creator somehow finds and makes the greatest flatearth memes and compiles them into awesome videos that have you pausing and screenshotting the whole time. He is seen going toe to toe with some of the most ruthless glober shills in the game on a daily basis. 



This creator is not on Tiktok very much. But he has a youtube channel and he is the most knowledgeable when it comes to science and physics. He debates people with PHD in physics no problem.

Austin Witsit aka Witsit Gets It


This shill has a PHD in physics and appeals to his own authority daily as his walking fallacy. He hosts anti-God lives and dedicates all of his time to shilling for NASA and mainstream science.

Dr Blitz


Outside of True Earth content. What other topics does 7 Club enjoy covering on his channel?

CERN. Mandela Effect. Sleep Paralysis. Aliens are demons. Angels. Demonic activity. Giants. Enoch. Biblical stuff. Government Conspiracy. Ancient Mystery. Truther stuff. 


This creator is known for his sasquatch lives and his ruthless blocking of anti-flat earthers as a moderator in our community lives. 

Fishmonkey aka flying fishmonkey aka sailing away jim aka primordial soup aka Jesse


When it comes to buds of consciousness, This creator has a specific number of those buds.  

33 Buds of Consciousness 


This creator has a high energy and bright blue eyes. He has been featured on the Flat Earth Clock app for video of the day a record number of times. He is hilarious and keeps it real at the same time.

Mike Scribner 


This shill does astronomy and appeals to his own authority daily. He is wildly condescending and rude to all truthers especially flat earthers. He has a telescope in his screen name. 

Professor Nixy


What is 7 Clubs real first name?



This creator has created an online store with incredible patriotic truth attire and a holistic daily care product line called "Detatch" that allows us to start moving away from the harmful chemicals found in our every day products. 




This creator had to change his name because too many people thought he was a glober!

Captain save a plane. Used to be Captain save a globe. Also BigDaddyFlerfsalot gets mistaken for a glober as well. But his account got deleted so, his name change is up for debate.


This flat earth legend created the flat earth clock app.

David Weiss


This shill hosts lives, wears NASA attire, and has a room full of globers waiting to bring a flat earther into the box to attack their beliefs. He is a liberal socialist  and does not believe in any of the conspiracy that has taken place by our government. But honestly he is not nearly as bad as all the others. 


Chardok will work too.


Name one of 7 Clubs songs.

Globeys Sphincter. NASAs Faking Space. Fakery Bakery. Globes gone flat (with Kris). #FLATSMACK. Gods eyes open verse challenge. FAKE MOON. Earth is not a globe its a flat plane.  


This creator is the queen of Nibiru clues. She has tons of content of mystery wondering stars. She is a pillar to the community and usually is placed in the moderator position in most truther lives. 



This creator sometimes uses puppets to show how ridiculous these globers claims are. He also flatsmacked McToon super hard with 8" per mile squared printed on a globe.



This creator is a flat earther and a car mechanic. He looks a little bit like Thor. 



This shill named himself after the camera that was mounted on the astronauts chest during the apollo 11 mission. He speaks his deceptive words very "matter of factually" and hardly allows you to get a word in edgewise due to his constant interrupting. He is a photographer who is certified in photoshop and it raises suspicion that he may work for NASA.  

Dr Hasselblad aka Photoshop Josh 


Does 7 Club block people just for disagreeing? If not, Then what are some things that will get someone blocked at this channel?

Being hateful and rude. Being dishonest and unwilling to see others perspectives. Spamming. Trying to purposefully deceive the chat. Having strong reporter vibes. Being a known shill. Being hateful towards our creator God. 
