This programmer created Tim Sort in 2002
What is Tim Peters?
This is the primary purpose of a sorting algorithm.
What is to arrange data in a specific order?
Tim Sort begins by dividing the list into small sections called these.
What are run?
The best-case time complexity of Tim Sort occurs when the list is already sorted and is this.
What is O(n)?
This widely used programming language relies on Tim Sort for sorting lists and arrays.
What is Python?
This year marks the introduction of Tim Sort.
What is 2002?
A sorting algorithm is considered "stable" when it preserves this property of equal elements.
What is relative order?
Tim Sort uses this simple sorting algorithm on small runs before merging them.
What is Insertion Sort?
The worst-case time complexity of Tim Sort is the same as Merge Sort, which is this complexity.
What is O(n log n)?
Sorting algorithms are commonly used in this type of database operation to retrieve ordered results efficiently.
What is querrying?
Tim Sort is a combination of these two sorting algorithms.
What is Merge Sort and Insertion Sort?
Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, and Merge Sort are all examples of this type of algorithm.
What is a sorting algorithm?
After sorting the small runs, Tim Sort combines them using this technique.
What is Merge Sort?
Tim Sort is often faster than Merge Sort because of this practice.
What is adaptive behavior?
Tim Sort was added to Java’s Arrays.sort() method because it is both stable and this.
What is efficient?
This programming language was the first to implement Tim Sort.
What is Python?
This inefficient sorting algorithm has a worst-case time complexity of O(n²).
What is Bubble Sort?
Useful technique when using Insertion sort on small sets of data to improve speed of the algorithm.
What is Galloping Mode?
This sorting algorithm is one of the slowest, with an average time complexity of O(n²).
What is Bubble sort?
Tim Sort is useful in graphical applications because it helps efficiently sort what?
What are primitive and primitive data types?
Tim Sort is called a "hybrid" sorting algorithm because it combines these two sorting techniques.
What are divide-and-conquer and insertion-based sorting?
Among common sorting algorithms, this one is typically the fastest for very large datasets.
What is Quick Sort?
Tim Sort prefers sorting small runs first before merging because it takes advantage of this existing property in many datasets.
What is partial ordering or pre-existing order?
Merge Sort is more efficient than Insertion Sort on large lists because its time complexity is this instead of O(n²).
What is O(n log n)?
Tim Sort is ideal for sorting large datasets with partially ordered elements because it combines these two sorting strategies.
What are merge-based and insertion-based sorting?