Other Leave & OWCP

What leave category does family leave deduct from?

Sick Leave


An employee works M-F, he works overtime on Saturday. What code do you key for his Overtime?

Overtime over 40-21


How is Holiday Off coded in WEB TA? 

Paid Holiday Off- number of hours scheduled for the shift. 


True or False: If you are summoned to serve as a witness in a personal capacity (traffic, divorce, custody, etc.) you are entitled to Court Leave.

FALSE (jury duty with copy of summons you are entitled to court leave) 


True or False: Employees do not have to sign certified T&A's. 

False, if ANY leave is taken, employee must sign their certified T&A. 


How many hours of leave must be taken in a pay period to require a SF-71 (leave slip)

40 hours or more of leave in a pay period.


True or False: You receive Sunday diff on Overtime hired prior to the administrative workweek. 



When does an employee NOT receive the holiday? 

When the staff member is in a NON pay status the workday before AND the workday after the holiday. 


True or False: Paid Parental Leave totals 420 hours and does not count towards FMLA

FALSE- 480 hours and does count against FMLA and only can use 480 hours per calendar year. 


True or False: When a correction is keyed, both the regular and certified T&A should be in the file and signed by the employee. 

True (please use comments for corrections)


When does an employee not accrue leave? 

When the employee is in a non-pay status, they will not accrue leave every time they reach 80 hours of non-pay. 


An officer is scheduled Tues-Saturday, shift 10 p.m.- 6:00 a.m., he calls in sick on Wednesday, and works overtime from 8-4 p.m.- how do you code his OT?

Overtime over 40 in addition to 8


What if an employee works the holiday? How is it coded? 

Coded paid holiday off for the full shift and holiday worked for the hours worked. 


LWOP has to be approved by the Supervisor.

False- LWOP can only be approved by the CEO-WARDEN through a memo.


Pollock has a memo in place for approval officials for signing overtime slips. Who is the delegate for approving overtime slips? (Two Answers) 

A. Administrative Lieutenant

B. The Associate Warden 


How much annual leave can be carried over for the next year? And when do staff lose their leave every year. 

240 hours of Annual Leave can be carried over each year and staff lose their annual leave in pay period 1 every year (sometimes, it's later in January depending on calendar)


Travel comp time and regular comp time are earned and used the same way. 

False- Travel comp time is earned for time in "travel status" and keyed by HR. Comp time is earned in place of overtime. Comp and Travel comp can be used for time away from work and has a 26-pay period expiration. 


What happens when a holiday falls on a non-workday? 

The employee is entitled to an in-lieu-of holiday on another designated day (typically the closest workday to the holiday)


True or False: When a staff member gets injured at work, they have 45 days of paid leave not including weekends and holidays. 

False: Up to 45 CALENDAR days- all days including non-workday and holidays.


Name at least four different types of leave that should be tracked through your leave audit data sheet in the front of the T&A file. 

Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Comp Time, PPL, Time Off Awards, Travel Comp, Restored leave, Military Leave


How many hours of military leave is given in a year and when is the leave given?

120 hours and it starts over every fiscal year- October 1st


IF you work overtime on a Holiday, you receive overtime pay and holiday pay regardless of the shift worked. 

False- IF you work Overtime during your regularly scheduled shift, you receive Holiday worked. If you work overtime outside of your shift, you receive Holiday off and overtime in addition to 8. 


An officer is scheduled to work the holiday on Sunday, December 25th, his shift is 4 p.m.-midnight. Officer goes home at 9:45 p.m. sick. How is his T&A coded?  

5.45 hours Holiday worked, 2.15 hours Paid Holiday Off, suffix 3-2 hours Paid Holiday Off, suffix 4-3.75 hours of Paid Holiday Off. 


What is the proper way to code OWCP leave in WEB TA?

The day of injury is coded as OWCP Admin Leave 66 and OWCP Injury Leave 67 begins the day AFTER injury. 


What is the step for the Time and Attendance Audit Checklist for Program Review?   

Points if you can name things reviewed on the Audit Checklist. 


Leave Usage, Overtime/Comp Time, Corrected T&A, Work Schedule Available, Transaction codes and descriptors
