This word refers to the present moment
The period of time from bedtime to sunrise
At night
The week after the current week
Next week
The month before the current month
Last month
This expression refers to the current year
This year
This refers to the current day
In the period of time from noon to sunset
In the afternoon
This refers to the current week, from Sunday to Saturday.
This week
The month after the current month
Next month
That happens every year or once a year
The day before the current day
Time from sunset to bedtime
In the evening
This refers to the week before the current week
Last week
This refers to the current month
This month
The year before the current year
Last year
The day after the current day
This refers to the period of time from sunrise to noon
In the morning
The time comprised by Saturday and Sunday
The weekend
Time expression that means "once a month"
Once a month
The year after the current year
Next year
Every single day
The period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky
Monday to Friday
Time expression that indicates something that occurs every month