What level of Mathematics am I doing
Maths extension and Maths advanced
The Amazon
What file is the King located in
the "e" file
The phrase "ohana means family" comes from what movie
Lilo & Stitch
What animal is considered man's best friend
What is my favourite drink?
a Ginger beer
What is the second most consumed drink in the world
What is the term for a knight that has the ability to move 8 squares
An Octopus Knight
Don't waste your diamonds on a...
a Hoe
Which Animal has 3 hearts and 5 brains
An Octopus
What Uni degree Do I want to do and where do i want to complete it
Usyd Doctor of medicine
When was the First Model Iphone made
What is the term for threatening to take the king, queen and one of the rooks
A Royal Fork
What type of owl was Hedwig
A Snowy owl/ polar owl
What is the fastest animal
The peregrine Falcon
What is my favourite anime
Jujutsu Kaisen
Which is the hottest planet in the solar system
The Fastest Check mate is known as
The Fools mate
What is Batman's Butler's Full Name
Alfred Pennyworth
Which Animal Has no vocal cords
What is my go to food items for at the local bakery
Calpyso and caramel slice
What is the twitter bird named
Im lazy take the points
Sike im taking them (he he he ha)
What does patrick star live under
a turtle
What is the collective noun for frogs
An army