What type of calendar should be used: paper and/or electronic?
Either or both! It is typically up to the student to determine what works best.
What should you always schedule into your calendar?
Fun stuff and break Time.
What is procrastination?
The habit of delaying an important task, by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead.
You should rely only on one form of reminders?
False! Technology can fail and papers can get lost in the shuffle.
How much sleep should you get per night?
7-9 hours
What is the best way to prioritise your to-do list?
Determine due dates of tasks (urgency) and importance of the task.
Why do we schedule 'fun stuff' into our timetable?
To help maintain a balanced lifestyle, to ensure the calendar is practical to us, to motivate us to stick to the timetable.
What are the main causes of procrastination, that we need to avoid during study?
All distractions - mobile phone, netflix, tik tok, social media.
You should use technology to set reminders?
True! Use all your resources to your advantage!
What is the best way to keep to a schedule?
Put a time limit on tasks. Never leave something open ended because it allows for procrastination.
What kinds of things should you schedule into your timetable/calendar?
School, study blocks (for homework, assessments, exam break), work schedule, tutoring, FUN STUFF
Rest, Relaxation and _______ is needed for successful time management.
When is the best time to study?
During the time when you have the most energy, or are more alert (this varies for everyone).
Multi-tasking is not beneficial.
Having everything in order is...
Being organised.
What basic tool can be used in order to organise your time wisely (effective time management)?
Creating a routine/timetable.
What should your break time include?
Exercise, relaxation, and doing something that makes you feel good.
What should you always have with you when you are studying?
A clean study space, study materials, water, healthy snacks!
Keeping a regular routine will create bad habits.
What are some tools that can help you stay organised.
Sticky-notes, to-do-lists, timetable/calendar (google calendar or paper form).
What tool helps us wake up on time, and can be used to remind us to do other things at specific time.
How long should a power nap be?
To be beneficial and productive, it should be 20 minutes long.
Why is it so difficult to stick to a timetable/schedule?
Lack of motivation, not interested in the work, distractions/procrastination, setting unclear/impractical goals).
True or False? Good time management means not having any free time.
False! Good time management means balancing time so you have free time and get stuff done.
What should you do if you are struggling with time management?
Analyse your time management skills and identify the potential root of the problem. What are you struggling with most? Ask for help - Consult with peers to determine solutions to your challenge.