Time Management
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking

What are the 4 ways to stay organized?

What are organize yourself, organize your time, organize your things, organize your space.


What would make your morning routine easier?

Make sure to get up on time

Set timers for different activities to make sure you get ready on time (10 min to get dressed, 5 min to brush teeth, etc.)

Get your bag packed and clothes picked out the night before


This is referred to as a situation that at times may cause confusion and difficulty. 

 What is a problem?

What do critical thinking skills helps us make sense of?

What is the world around us?


You need to be at work for 6:30 pm.  It takes you 15 minutes to get ready and 10 minutes to travel there.  What time do you have to leave to be 5 minutes early for work?

Need to leave at 6:00 pm


When you go to the grocery store, what should you bring to make sure you buy everything you need

What is a checklist?


What should you always learn to say?

What is "learn to say No"


True or False: There is always a "good" solution to a problem.

False:  There may not be a good solution to a problem but you should go with the one that causes the least amount of harm.


When your are coming up with a choice using critical thinking what must you think about for each choice?

What are the pros and cons?


It is Sunday night and you have:

1 test on Friday, 1 project due on Wednesday, and homework due on Tuesday. In what order would you complete all the items?

Do the homework on Sunday night, give yourself Monday and Tuesday to work on the project, study on Wednesday and Thursday for your test on Friday


An organizational tool that has days, weeks, and months on it?

What is a calendar?


What should you do when you start working on a task that you do not want to do or find difficult?

What is set a timer for a short period of time.

What is step 3 of the problem solving process?

What is find alternatives?


Critical thinking should be used when scrolling on social media to ask what question.

What is "Is this real?" or "Does this make sense?"


Lindsay is having trouble getting a task done within the required time, give 3 suggestions on what she can do to complete the task on time.

Set a timer, write down the steps to make it easier to remember what needs to be done

Break the task into smaller steps

Ask for help 


Electronic tools to manage your time, create to do lists, use a calendar, and set goals.

What are apps?


If you are always stressed or tired, this is could be a sign of what?

What is poor time management?


Name 3 skills that are needed to solve a problem

Communication, adaptability, understanding, creative thinking, listening, and teamwork.


Critical thinking skills is like...

What is being a detective?


What is an important part of time management and organization?

Making time for fun...a break to do something fun, get exercise and give your brain a break will help you get boring or unpleasant tasks done!


True or False: You should always multitask to ensure that you get everything done.

False: It is better to focus on one task at a time and moving on when it is completed


What is the definition of time management?

What is time always goes by, it is how we use our time that is important.

How can you gather information to solve a problem?

What is ask questions.

When finding a solution by using critical thinking you should listen to what?

What is other people's opinions?


Remaining friends with someone after Grade 8 is an example of what.

What is critical thinking.
