Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
What is 4/4
A note with one head and a stem
What is a quarter note
What college did Mr Leak go to?
North Carolina Central University or NCCU
Quarter Quarter Quarter
What is 3/4
The name of the 2 numbers stacked on top of each other at the beginning of music?
What is "time signature" or what is "meter"
What was the FIRST school Mr. Leak ever worked at
TMSA - Greensboro
Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth
What is 6/8
The steady pulse that doesn't change in music
what is the beat?
Mr Leaks favorite instrument
The trumpet
Half Half Half
What is 3/2
What note gets 4 sounds in one beat?
What is the sixteenth note
How many brothers and sisters does Mr Leak have
5 Sisters & 1 Brother
eighth eighth
What is 2/8
How many songs have a time signature
All of them!
What was Mr. Leak's favorite video game in the 3rd grade