A time signature is a fraction.
True or False
This time signature has how many beats in each measure?
How many beats are in each measure?
3 beats in each measure.
This time signature tells a musician they there are how many beats in each measure?
4 beats
The time signature is found where in the music?
Beginning, middle or end.
The beginning.
The bottom number tells a musician that what note receives 1 beat?
Quarter note.
The bottom number tells a musician that what note receives 1 beat?
Quarter note.
How many beats are in each measure?
6 beats.
The top number of a time signature tells a musician what?
How many beats are in each measure.
What is the time signature of this passage?
2/4 time signature.
What time signature is this phrase?
3/4 time signature.
What note receives one beat?
Half Note.