How many minutes are in an hour?
What is 60?
The names of the 2nd grade teachers.
What are Ms. Ahlemeyer, Mrs. Ramos, and Ms.Gomez?
What part of speech is cat, school, car, or apple?
What is a noun?
"In a pickle" is an example of...
What is an idiom?
What is 22 + 37
What is 59?
Any number times zero equals?
What is zero?
The number of the room for OMA.
What is 12?
What part of speech is run, hop, yelled, or is?
What is a verb?
What is theme?
the message or lesson in a story
What is the sum of 35 + 40
What is 75.
Skip count by 5's starting with 10 to 40
What is 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40?
The name of our Office Manager.
Who is Mary Ellen?
What is a verb?
An action word or state of being
What is the main idea?
what the text is mostly talking about
What is the difference between 75 and 23?
What is 52?
Number in tens place
What is 7?
Recite the mission.
What is
We are future Arizona Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Artists, and Mathematicians?
The part of speech of
What is an adverb?
"I am as slow as a tortoise" is an example of...
What is a simile?
You have 4 groups of 12 cookies. How many cookies do you have?
What is 48?
What is the number six hundreds and two tens?
What is 620?
The street address of the school.
What is 4311 E. Linden St.?
How do you spell the plural of monkey?
When you start a new paragraph, you need to...
What is indent?