What are the benefits of exercising regularly?
- Balance
- Strength (helps reduce sarcopenia)
- Cardio
Why is proper hydration important?
- To maintain normal circulation
- To prevent dizziness and falls
What are the normal BP range and heart rate for seniors?
BP: 110-130 / 60-80
- Doctor may tell you it is acceptable up to 150/90 (case by case)
- Systolic hypertension more common than diastolic hypertension
HR: 60-90 BPM
Why is having good bone health important?
- Bones are the holding scaffolding of the human body
- Strong bones are more resilient to fractures and they keep muscles strong
Common bone health conditions: osteoporosis, osteopenia, various joint arthritis
What are common symptoms observed from memory loss?
- Forgetfulness
- Difficulty learning new things
- Decline in learned/mastered skills
- Repetitions
- Confusion
- Misplacing objects
- Getting lost in familiar areas
These symptoms can lead to frustration, anger, anxiety, depression
What are some common GI symptoms in seniors?
Constipation & bloating
- Start each meal with a small plate of watery/juicy salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, plums, melons
- After each meal, walk for 5 minutes (don't immediately sit or lie down)
- Have 1 cup of hot peppermint tea 2x/day (no caffeine)
What are some ways to minimize the risk of falls?
- Make sure there is enough light, especially at night
- Make sure there is no risky clutter inside or outside (loose cords, rugs, clothes, uneven surfaces)
- Change positions slowly
- Balance exercises
- Yoga & stretching
What are some factors that affect BP?
- Diet: salt, caffeine
- Weight: excessive calorie intake
- Inadequate sleep
- Stress
- Lack of exercise
- Other medical conditions (sleep apnea, kidney disease)
- Result of some medications
What are things to do to prevent poor bone health?
- Supplements like calcium and vitamin D
- Muscle strengthening & resistance & balance exercises
- Avoid repetitive strenuous joint movements and listen to your body
- Warm up and cool down stretches before and after exercising
What are some common memory conditions?
Long term: dementia
- Alzheimer's dementia most common type
- Vascular dementia is also common type (caused by multiple & frequent strokes)
- Lewy body dementia
Short term loss caused by:
- Hospitalizations (delirium)
- Anesthesia
- Sleeping drugs/sedatives
- Narcotics
What are the most common mental health conditions in seniors?
Depression & anxiety
- Awareness & acceptance can be poor, so important to seek help from family, friends, or a professional
- Having a sense of belonging is essential
What is the most common fracture that leads to morbidity and mortality?
Hip fracture
- Other common fractures: ribs, wrist, ankle, elbow
How can high blood pressure cause damage?
- Kidney function
- Eye function
- Nervous system: strokes, neuropathy
- Cardiovascular system: heart failure, heart attacks, valve problems
What supplements are good for the bones?
- Calcium (any compound; 600 mg 2x/day)
- Vitamin D (2000 iu daily)
May also use turmeric or glucosamine chondroitin
What are some tips for providing care to family members/friends with dementia?
- Create & relive familiar environments
- Approach from front in compassionate & friendly way during conversation
- Allow them to complete their thoughts
- Do not try to teach right from wrong
- Do not create arguments
- Facilitate ways to help with their medical care (water bottles, medications, look out for their safety)
- Patience!
What is the most common sleeping disorder in seniors?
Advance sleep-wake phase schedule (ASWPS)
- May become sleepy in early evening (7-8 pm)
- May wake up in early morning (3-4 am)
What are some common eye conditions in seniors?
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Macular degeneration
- Diabetes and BP related eye damage
Regularly take eye exams!
What are symptoms of high BP?
- Can be asymptomatic for several years
- Frequent headaches
- Vision abnormalities
- Nausea
- Chest pains, palpitations, shortness of breath
- Symptoms related to conditions as complication of high BP
What are treatment options for bone health deterioration?
- Osteoporosis: oral medications, injectables
- Arthritis: pain relievers (oral & topical), muscle relaxers, steroid & cartilage injections, surgery (repair & replacement)
What are some treatment options for memory conditions?
- Oral medication
- Topical patches
- Memory exercises
What is a new concept to maintain a healthy diet?
Intermittent fasting
- Anti-oxidant and cellular rejuvenation benefits
What are some common conditions that can affect driving?
- Slowed reflexes
- Neck & knee arthritis
- Medications that may cause drowsiness
- Vision conditions
Install special blind spot mirrors for neck arthritis
Install adjustable brake/gas pedals for knee arthritis
What does "target heart rate" mean? What is the recommended target HR?
Heart rate at the peak of exercise
Recommended: 80-90% of 220 BPM minus your age
- Can stay at your target HR for 10-20 minutes at a stretch for 3 days/week if approved by doctor
What are some complications related to bone health?
Osteopenia and osteoporosis can lead to:
- decreased resilience for fractures even with mild trauma
- weakness and pain in muscles
Arthritis can lead to:
- reduction in range of motion
- chronic pain
- loss of function
What are ways for care givers to handle stress?
- Accept the situation with kindness and respect
- Stay calm and composed with the responsibility
- If available, use help of other family members and friends to take turns giving care
- If open, use respite care and facility care resources