Before the Test
During the Test
After the Test
Let's Talk About Testing
Test Prep

How have you prepared for the big test all year at school?

By staying focused in class, completing my work, studying, coming to school and listening in class.


Will there be any talking during the test?

No talking. The test administrator will briefly talk to give out directions. 


What happens if I'm absent for one of the testing days?

You will make up the section of the test you missed when you return to school.


What is the correct name for the big test? (3GRG / OSMT)

The 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee and the Ohio State Math Test.


What can I do to prepare myself for testing?

Read every night, complete my class and homework, do my best every day, and relax


It is good to eat breakfast in the morning. Name something good that you can have!

Eggs, cereal, fruit, or a bagel

(Try to eat something nutritious, not too sweet or too heavy.)


What type of materials will I need for the test?

Each student will receive a test for each test section, scratch paper, and a pencil.


When will my test results come back and I find out how I did?

Once the test is sent off, it usually takes between 6 to 8 weeks for the results.  (Probably after the year ends.)


What subjects will I be tested on?

ELA and Math


What happens if I get nervous right before the test begins?

Close your eyes and take some big deep breaths and think positive thoughts.


What time should you go to bed the night before each section of a test?

Between 8:00 and 9:00 pm. 


Will I be allowed to use a calculator or cell phone during testing?

No use of electronic devices or calculators are allowed during testing.


What sections of the test is important that I pass?

All of it, duh! Be careful that you try your BEST on the writing part. It's worth 50% of your ELA score. 

Intro, body, and conclusion. (3 paragraphs!)


Why do you take the state tests?

To see what you have learned and how well you have mastered the standards.


What do you do if you complete test before time?

Go back over and check your answers especially the one's you are not sure about.

Count the sentences in your written response. You should have AT LEAST 12


What happens if I arrive to school late or after the test has already begun?

If you arrive after the test has begun, you will be sent to Ms. Dent until after that testing session has ended. You will complete a big packet of work. 

You will make up the test later with Principal Miles and Mrs. McCormick. 


How much time will I have for each section of the test?

Math will be 75 minutes and ELA will be 90 minutes. 


What are the test results used for?

To see how prepared you are to move on to the next grade level.


What are the testing dates?

3rd - 3/10 - ELA Section 1
        3/16 - ELA Section 2
        3/23 - Math Section 1
        3/29 - Math Section 2


What is the most important thing I need to do on test day?

Listen and follow directions carefully. Take your time and read the questions and answers carefully.


When will students have restroom breaks?

Before the test begins. After ALL testing has finished. 


How will I record my answers?

You will fill in the bubble next to the correct answer COMPLETELY. Do NOT draw or color outside of the circle. 


What should I do over the summer to prepare me for the next grade and school year?

Continue to read every day and study your math facts.


What type of questions will I have on the test?

Multiple choice, constructed response, and a writing component


Name 3 test taking strategies. 

Read the passage more than once. 

Fill in options for unknown vocabulary words. 

Think of the answer you know is right before you look at the options. 

Eliminate wrong options first. 

Read the question more than once. 

Go with your gut!
