Which date is earlier?
100 B.C.E.
50 C.E.
100 B.C.E.
Which came first?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Spider Man Far From Home
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Which came first?
The moon landing
The Titanic sinking
The Titanic
Solve this math problem:
Is there more time between 2000 B.C.E. and 1750 B.C.E.
1 C.E. and 200 C.E.
2000 B.C.E and 1750 B.C.E.
Put these movies in chronological order
Avengers Infinity Wars
Avengers Endgame
Avengers Age of Ultron
Avengers, Avengers Age of Ultron, Avengers Infinity Wars, Avengers Endgame
Which came first?
The US becomes a country
The Civil War
The US becomes a country
Complete these sentences correctly using the word there, their, and they're:
Erin and Tim hit _____ ball over the fence.
Where are Erin and Tim? _____ over by the fence.
"Wow! ____ are lots of balls over here", shouted Tim.
Their, They're, There
Please put the following dates in the correct order
25 C.E., 300 B.C.E, 1000 B.C.E, 299 C.E., 2000 C.E.
1000 B.C.E., 300 B.C.E., 25 C.E., 299 C.E., and 2000 C.E.
Put these TV shows in chronological order
SpongeBob, Rugrats, Adventure Time, The Dragon Prince, Barney
Barney, Rugrats, SpongeBob, Adventure Time, The Dragon Prince
Please put the following in chronological order
WWI, first landing on Mars, the black death plague, the first powered flight, the declaration of independence
Plague, declaration of independence, powered flight, WWI, Mars
What years did Oregon State Baseball win the National Championship?
2006, 2007, 2017
Stegosaurus died out around 150 million years ago. T-Rex lived about 65 million years ago. The pyramids of Egypt were built roughly 4500-500 years ago.
Which two events are closest together in history?
T-Rex and the pyramids being built
Please put the following events from the Harry Potter series in chronological order
Harry wins the Triwizard tournament, Dobby the house elf comes to Harrys house, We learn who the halfblood prince is, Platform 9 3/4 won't open, Harry gets his firebolt, Harry sees his parents in the mirror
Mirror, Dobby, Platform 9 3/4, Firebolt, Triwizard, halfblood prince
Please put the following in chronological order
The Korean War, The Iraq War, WWI, The Civil War, The Vietnam War, The Revolutionary War, WWII
Revolutionary, Civil, WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Iraq
Correctly name all 7 of the 9 of the plaques on my back wall
Answers will vary
Order these dates chronologically
10 AD, 345 BCE, 57 BC, 13 CE, 298 AD, 1 BCE, 200 CE, 146 BC
345 BCE, 146 BC, 57 BC, 1 BCE, 10 AD, 13 CE, 200 CE, 298 AD
Put these famous singers in chronological order from when they became famous
Britney Spears, Elvis, The Beatles, Twenty One Pilots, Queen, Mumford and Sons, Kelly Clarkson
Elvis, The Beatles, Queen, Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Mumford and Sons, Twenty One Pilots
Put the following in chronological order of when they were built
The Empire State Building, The Pyramid of Giza, The Eifel Tower, The International Space Station, The Great Wall of China, The Panama Canal
Pyramid, Wall, Canal, Eifel, Empire, Space
What was the largest dinosaur?