Favorite movie growing up
what is toy story
favorite color
what is blue
favorite food
what is steak
what am I doing in a month
what is a mission
dream job
what is jazz restaurant
favorite character
what is spider-man
favorite movie
what is revenge of the sith
favorite music to listen to while cooking
what is jazz
place to hike when i get back
what is angels landing
dream wife
what is julianna valles
what is climbing walls
favorite chip
favorite meal to cook
what is chicken parm
what is forever
dream travel place
what is switzerland
what got me to enjoy skateboarding
what is mikey from TMNT
favorite gatorade flavor
what is strawberry
what meal got me into cooking
what is chicken tetrazzini
where would me and julie’s wedding venue be
what is the forest
dream instrument
what is piano
favorite ice cream flavor
what is vanilla bean
favorite jujitsu move
what is kimura
what is my chipotle order
what is both rice both beans steak lettuce cheese guacamole corn tomato and sour cream burrito
what is the age I want to have my first baby
what is 24
dream fighting style
what is muy tai