Political Theories
Slave states v nonslave states
Small States v. Large States
National and State Responsibilities
Federalism and Environmental Policy

What is republicanism?

The belief that a form of government in which the interests of the people are represented through elected leaders is the best form of government.


What did the southern states want regarding importation of slaves?

To allow the importation of slaves continue indefinitely, arguing that slavery was essential to produce their labor-intensive crops


What would strengthen the national government?

The Virginia Plan.


What responsibilities does the national government power have?

These responsibilities include: print money, regulate interstate commerce and international trade, make treaties and conduct foreign policies, provide an army and navy, and make laws necessary and proper to carry out these powers.


What does environmental policy portray?

Environmental policy show contemporary federalism in action.


What are the three crucial ideas?

The three crucial ideas are equality, self-rule, and natural rights


What did the northern states want regarding importation of slaves?

To allow future Congresses to ban the importation of slaves.


Which states boycott the Constitutional Convention?

The small states boycotted the Constitutional Convention.


What responsibilities does the state government powers have?

These responsibilities include: issue licenses, regulate infrastate businesses, conduct elections, establish local governments, ratify ammendments to the Constitution, promote public health and safety, and may extert powers the Constitution does not delegate to the national government or does not prohibit the states from using.


Who carries out environmental policy in National Government?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of the Interior, and Department of Energy.


What should the government's central focus be?

The central government purpose should be to uphold the unalienable rights of the people


What is the three-fifths compromise?

The state's decision during the Constitutional Convention to count each slave as 3/5 of a person in a state's population for the purposes of determining the number of House members and distribution of taxes.


What was the Virginia Plan?

A plan proposed by the larger states during the Constitutional Convention that bsed representation in the national legislature on population along with strengthen the national government.


What responsibilities do concurrent powers have?

These responsibilities include: collecting taxes, build roads, borrow money, establish courts, make and enforce laws, charter banks and corporations, and spend money for the general welfare.


Who carries out environmental policy in the State Government?

The State Department of Natural Resources, State Park Service, and State Environmental Protection Agencies.


What is the social contract?

A concept developed by political philosophers of the eighteenth century that defined the legitimacy of the state. The people recognize the authority of the state to govern over them, and in return, the government protects the rights and freedom of the people.


Who ended the convention on a harmonious note?

Benjamin Franklin


What was the New Jersey Plan?

A plan that was in response to the Virginia Plan, in which smaller states at the Constitutional Convention proposed that each state should receive equal representation in the national legislature, regardless of the size.


What powers are denied to the National Government?

These include: may not violate the Bill of Rights, nay not export taxes among states, may not use money from treasury without appropiation from Congress, and may not change state boundaries.


Who carries out environment policy in the Local Government? 

The city park system, city and county oversight boards for land use policy and zoning.


What are natural rights?

Also known as "unalienable rights," the Declartion of Independence defines them as "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." The Founders believed that upholding these rights should be the government's central purpose.

What happened when the states were not able to find a compromise for the subject of slavery?

The Civil War 


What was the Great Compromise?

A compromise between the large and small states, proposed by Connecticut, in which Congress would have two houses: a Senate with two legislators per state and a House of Representatives in each state's representation would be based on population (Also known as the Connecticut Compromise.


What powers are denied to State Governments?

These include: may not enter into treaties with other countries, may not print money, may not tax imports or exports, may not interfere with contracts, and may not suspend a person's right without due process.


What does the federal government do in the making of environmental policy?

Imposes new rules on state and local govenments and provides incentives to follow these new rules and goals. Such as: increased energy efficiency and independence. 
