Tina Times: The Early Years
The Continuing Saga
Mom/Grandma Mic Drop
You have time for that?
Let's go on an Adventure!

Tina started working at 14 years old. What was her first job?

What is A&W?


As legends go, Tina will always be one in our hearts. In what epic year did this legend start Church Employment?



Tina loves her boys! She is constantly talking about them. How many sons does Tina have?

Mother of 4 sons.

Tina has had many callings. Some of which include; camp director, primary, Cub Scout group leader, and nursery(8) years! What calling has been Tina's favorite to date?

My favorite was the nursery.


We asked 10 people (because who has the time to ask 100 people?)

If Tina were forced to retire to a different country, what country do you think she would retire too?

Italy 10/10


Though Tina considers Libby, Montana her home. Where was she born?

Rexburg, Idaho 


Tina has had various jobs in Food Services over the years. If she had to pick one as her favorite, what would she pick?

Kitchen Custodial Supervisor- I have loved my “kids” here at the church office building. They have taught me everything. Humility, patience, love, kindness, tolerance and just pure joy for each one. I will miss the opportunity to work side by side with a celestial being everyday.


We know she is an awesome mom, which only makes us belief she is an even better grandmother! How many grandkids call her Grandma?

Grandmother to 8 grandchildren-4 boys, 4 girls


Aside from being Grandmother and Mother of the Year, what is Tina's favorite (at home, in home) past time?

I love to bake and cook. Ask me about my gargantuan cookie recipe.


Tina was set to retire in 2020 but pushed her retirement out a year. Why?

To go on a trip to Scotland and England....Stinking COVID.


Tina has a degree from U.V.S.C. What is her degree in?



Did you know that Tina once prepared lunch for President---- wait, I almost told you who. Do you know who it was?

I once was able to prepare lunch for President Hinckley.


I am raising my 8 year old grandson Ben, he is the man in my life. I hope to spend great quality time with him as I move thru this journey of retirement.


Some of her hobbies are camping and growing her gardens full of flowers and of course spending time with her grandkids who are "part of my garden of Joy". What did her garden of joy plant in her flower garden this year that are now taller than her fence?



When you are someone like Tina who has been to multiple countries and states and does things like cruises to Alaska and panning gold in Montana, you would collect memorabilia too. What does Tina like to collect during her travels?

Rocks! From a piece of the Matterhorn to Montana Gold. Tina has a fun rock collection like no other.


If you know Tina, you know she loves to travel with her sisters. How many siblings does Tina have?

2 sisters, 2 brothers


The cooler is raining, the disposal is broken, the dishwasher is off again, the drains are backed up, the restroom is out of toilet paper, the grill is on fire, the cash register is refusing to play nice, the sandwich bar is cooking food and the card readers refuse to open their doors. Where is Tina?

Obviously, she is buried under the uniform avalanche that has engulfed her desk. It appears as though even the Cafeteria is protesting her leaving.


This is Halloween! What is a fun and favorite tradition at Tina's house every Halloween?

Carving pumpkins as a family for her "pumpkin patch" aka her yard.


Tina has recently made a sport out of injuring herself. (Disclaimer: She has promised her sons that she will stop.) How many injuries has Tina had in the last year?

Yeah, we lost count too. TINA: Today you also retire your accident prone status. 


Rome, Italy Temple. Tina was able to tour the Temple with the artist.


You might say that Tina is a Taco Time expert. How many Taco Times has Tina worked at?

Shift leader -Provo, UT

Manager in Missoula, Montana

Manager over two stores in Spokane Washington

General Manager for 5 years in Utah


Tina at one time held a record relating to her second day of employment.  What was this record?

Earliest used sick day. She got the flu on her second day. She received a recognition at her first summer party.

Recently we have had two people call in sick on their first day. Look what Tina started ;)


During her family's traditional 4th of July celebrations, aside from massive amounts of fire works, what is a staple that has to be provided by Tina?

Grandma's popcorn! It is a requirement, she's been told.


Lets talk guilty pleasures. For some its chocolate, for others its jogging a few miles. For Tina, her guilty pleasure may surprise you. Any guesses?

The TV show: Alone

She developed a love/hate relationship with survivalists in college. She was dropped off with a group of other students and they had to "survive" from point A to point B. She hated moments but loved the experience. 


She may have been raised as a small town girl but she has definitely caught the travel bug. How many countries has Tina been to?

I have been to Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and born in the USA!
